Attune yourself to Creative Intelligence by taking some quiet time for yourself each day

Creative Intelligence is the invisible energy that governs the universe; the Life-Force which suffuses everything and connects us to each other. It’s not a fanciful idea – it has a firm scientific basis.

Mahatma Gandhi described it like this:

‘Whilst everything around me is ever-changing, ever-dying, there is underlying all that changes a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and re-creates.’

Be quiet and still, then you can feel it pulsating in every part of your being.

A student once asked the teacher, ‘How can I find G_d?’ The teacher answered, ‘How does a fish find the ocean?’

You are living in an ocean of consciousness. It is around you and in every atom of your body. Love, peace and happiness are not to be found in faraway places or unusual states of consciousness, but here, right now, when you look within.

Have some quiet time to yourself each day. Make it a priority. Reflect on spiritual ideas and meditate on the source of your inner power.

As your inner power grows, people will comment, ‘I want what you have. Can you show me how to get it?’ Tell them what you have learned. Share your experiences in a spirit of love and with humility. Explain to them that they already have what they seek and encourage them to develop a quiet, calm mind. Then they will discover it for themselves.


©David Lawrence Preston, 23.1.2017

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A Note on Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

There’s a fundamental truth behind our experience of life: It’s not what happens out there in the world that shapes our lives, but what happens in here, between our ears! The great spiritual teachers have been saying this for millennia, and today quantum physicists are saying the same. In essence, when you take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, you are on the way to taking charge of your life.

Mindfulness is about being aware (1) that how and what we think matters, and (2) of what we think, feel, say and do in every moment, and how it impacts on us.

It is especially important to be aware of our thoughts and feelings in response to events, especially the automatic thoughts that occur when facing difficulties and setbacks. Thoughts of despair, helplessness, hopelessness, self pity and so on are inherently self-defeating. Most of these arise from our childhood programming and are destined to be repeated for the rest of our lives unless steps are taken to change them.

Understanding the Mind

What is this thing called ‘mind’? Unlike the brain, it’s not a physical thing. It’s an activity. It can’t be seen or weighed, but we know it’s there: we are aware of it and can observe it in action. Part of us knows we’re thinking, and can watch the thoughts passing through the mind. Moreover, another part of us is aware that we can observe ourselves observing our thoughts!

There are many levels of awareness within the mind. At any moment, there are things of which we are aware, things we could bring to mind if we wanted (such as what we did yesterday or last week), and other material which lies much deeper – e.g. childhood memories. We can classify these into certain categories:

  • The conscious mind: the part of the mind that we are aware of right now. It is, in effect, a stream of thoughts, a never ending inner dialogue. We are only ever aware of a tiny percentage (probably less than 1%) of our mental activity.
  • The material just below the surface is often referred to as the subconscious (or preconscious). These are the memories which are easily recalled when we need them, such as a telephone number or the items on a shopping list.
  • The remainder (more than 99%) lies beneath the immediate threshold of awareness. This is the unconscious, a storehouse of memories, dreams, instincts, habits and drives, knowledge, dreams, habits, experiences and emotions. Although we call it the unconscious, all unconscious material can potentially be being brought into consciousness.

Accepting responsibility for our thinking

Most people are unaware of how powerful their thinking is and don’t realise they have it within their power to change. We cannot afford to fall into this trap, because we would be reducing our effectiveness if a set of unacknowledged ideas, beliefs or prejudices rules our lives.

Turning our thinking around begins with awareness. If we are unaware of our thinking patterns, then how can we change them?

Get into the habit of noticing what you are thinking and feeling moment by moment. Notice how you respond mentally and emotionally to people, situations and events. If some pattern needs to be changed, then change it (sometimes professional help is needed with this).

Remember – no-one else chooses your thoughts for you. Thinking is something you do by, for and to yourself, and your thoughts impact on the way you feel. Moreover, your behaviour is largely governed by the way you think, so the more mindful you are, the more empowered you will be.


Every so often, pause. Break off from whatever you’re doing and be still. Sit comfortably and become aware of your thoughts. What are you thinking? Why are you thinking that thought? Where does it come from? Where is it taking you?


©David Lawrence Preston, 17.11.2016

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Mindfulness is paying attention to what you are doing and being aware of your thoughts and feelings right now.

When you practise mindfulness, everyday activities become more meaningful and enjoyable – even eating a chocolate is more pleasurable when you give it your full attention.

In his book, ‘Zen and the Art of Archery,’ Eugen Herrigel describes how an archer with mindfulness becomes one with the bow and hits the centre of the target with every arrow. If you ask how he did it, he can’t put it into words. The same also applies to sports such as tennis and golf. Worry about your game and you’ll make mistakes, but if you master the core skills and then allow mindfulness to take over, you enter a state known as ‘the zone’ which is how champions perform at their peak.

Mindfulness is powerful. When you concentrate any form of energy, including mental and emotional energy, you intensify it. Pay full attention to what you are doing in each moment. If your mind wanders, slow your breathing and bring it back. After a while it becomes so automatic you don’t even have to think about it.

Mindfulness exercise

Choose ONE activity to do today with total mindfulness. Slow down and take your time. If your mind wanders, simply bring it back. When you’re sitting, be aware of the chair beneath you and how it feels to be supported by it; when driving, listen to the sound of the engine as you accelerate, decelerate and change gear; when eating notice how your jaw moves, the feeling of biting into your food and the combination of flavours.

Pay attention to the sights, sounds and sensations (inner and outer) as you wash, shave, walk. listen to music, do the gardening, wash up, wait at traffic lights etc.

Then reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.


©David Lawrence Preston, 17.11.2016

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How to Become A Positive Thinker

How you think matters.

There is a direct connection between what you think and what you say and do, and what you get out of life. As long as you keep thinking as you’ve been thinking, you’ll keep feeling as you’ve been feeling, doing as you’ve been doing, and getting what you’ve been getting. So if you want something different, do something different; and if you want to do things differently, change your way of thinking. Your behaviour will follow suit. It’s the way we’re made.

Fortunately becoming a habitual positive thinker is no more difficult than learning to ride a bicycle!

The Cycle of Thoughts

You have approx. 50,000 thoughts a day, but where do they come from?  There are four main sources:

a)      Your unconscious. All the experiences you have ever had, whether real or imagined, are recorded in your unconscious mind. When any of this material floats to the surface, you register a thought. This is where the majority of your thoughts come from.

b)      Sometimes a thought is triggered by a feeling. A feeling of hunger, for instance, can trigger the thought I’m hungry, I want food.

c)      Your intuitive self, including your imagination.

d)      You can consciously, purposely and deliberately create them.

The Cycle of Thought goes as follows:


1. You have a thought

You cannot prevent a thought arising from the unconscious, but you do have the power to act on or ignore it, accept or reject it. You don’t have to be attached to any thought if you don’t want to.

2. You decide

Thoughts do not inevitably lead to action, although some people act and react without a great deal of conscious thought.

3. You act – or you don’t

You act. Or you don’t. You speak. Or you don’t. If you like what you get, you do it again. If not, eventually you try something different.

4. If repeated, a habit forms

Whenever you repeatedly place your attention on a thought pattern, you create a new habit or strengthen an existing one. And if you withdraw your attention from an unwanted habit, it will fade and die.

5. Habits direct your thoughts

Habits direct your thoughts – if you let them. But you can challenge them and change them if you want to and it you’re determined enough.

Becoming a positive thinker

How do you take charge of your thoughts?  Simple. By changing what you say to yourself. Remember, conscious thinking is really just talking to yourself.

Do this using the Four Step Method:

1.      Be mindful

2.      Interrupt self-defeating thoughts

3.      Feed in the positives

4.      Keep at it

Step One: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is paying attention to your thoughts – listening to your ‘internal dialogue’ or ‘self-talk’.

Try this: Every so often, pause. Break off from whatever you’re doing and be still. Withdraw your attention from everything around you and go inside. What are you thinking?  Is it  positive or negative? Where is it coming from? Why are you thinking that thought? Where is it taking you?

The more you do this, the better. It is the first step in initiating change – and it’s powerful.

Step Two: Thought stopping

You can only hold one conscious thought at a time, so if you become aware of a thought that serves no useful purpose interrupt it. Say something like ‘Stop!’, ‘Cancel!’, ‘Go away!’, or ‘Next!’. This breaks the pattern.

In addition, do something physical like clapping your hands, stamping a foot or banging a table.  You can also imagine closing a book, a symbolic gesture that that’s the end of it.

If you catch yourself thinking negatively, don’t be annoyed with yourself. This will only make you more likely to slip up again. Just let it go.

In time thought stopping becomes unnecessary. Negative thoughts don’t bother entering your head once they realise that they are going to be firmly dealt with!

Step Three: Feed in the positives

Having stopped the unwanted thought, immediately replace it. The simplest replacement for an unwanted thought is its direct opposite, e.g. replace ‘I can’t’ with ‘I can.’ Say it as if you really mean it.

Another option is to use an affirmation. Either make one up on the spur of the moment or use a favourite one such as ‘I like myself’, ‘I am strong and worthy’ or ‘I am cool, calm, and in control’.

If at first you feel you’re lying to yourself, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter if your new thought isn’t literally true (yet). This method is just a tool to help you change your way of thinking.

Make it your motto never to say or think anything that you don’t want to be true! You will be directing your unconscious mind to create the situations and behaviours you want.

Step Four: Keep at it!

Persistence is the key to success. It takes about a month to change an old thinking pattern.

Don’t let others put you off. Most people are unaware of how powerful their negative thinking is. Nor do they realise they have it within their power to change.

You can’t change others’ thoughts – only they can do that. But you can enlist their support by explaining what you’re doing. If all else fails, you may have to minimise your contact with negative people until your new thinking habits are firmly established.

These Four Steps are very powerful: in fact, properly used they can even help overcome debilitating fears and phobias.

Can you think of any reason why you can’t start applying these Four Steps right away?

And remember – merely reading through these materials without putting them into practice is like reading the label on the bottle without taking the medicine!


©David Lawrence Preston, 5.3.2016

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The busy mind is like a muddy pond

Bmth pond

Deep inside us, at our very core, is a place of absolute peace and stillness where we become aware of the loving Presence at the centre of our being. But first we have to clear away the foolish thoughts and emotional fog which obscure it. Thinking too much is like over-eating – it brings a kind of mental indigestion which creates needless anxiety and stress.

The busy mind may be compared to a muddy pond. When agitated, mud rises from the bottom, the water becomes cloudy and light barely penetrates beneath the surface. When the pond is still, the mud settles, the sun shines through and the pond becomes visible right to the bottom.

Similarly, when the mind is still, thoughts settle down and Higher Consciousness lights up every nook and cranny. Then we are receptive to an inflow of spiritual energy which uplifts and inspires.

©David Lawrence Preston, 25.6.2016

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Meditate and be mindful

‘Meditate and be mindful, and all else will follow.’

 The Buddha

Meditation means ‘to focus one’s thoughts’, ‘give attention to’ or ‘engage in contemplation or reflection’. Anyone deep in thought is meditating. Whenever our thoughts are focused on a particular idea we enter a meditative state.

The biggest obstacle to entering this peaceful state is the busy mind, but with practice the mental chatter is subdued and even silenced.

Another obstacle is the intellect – the need to know, to think and to analyse. Meditation is not about getting results, nor is it ‘guided visualisation’. Meditation is simply controlled mental activity which leads to mental stillness.

The power that ultimately shapes and directs our lives is non-physical, i.e. spiritual. Only your spiritual, non-physical, self has the power to really think – not what superficially passes for thought (which is often nothing more than remembering or reacting to habits and old conditioning), but genuine creative and intuitive ‘thought’. This is the only way it can influence you, since it has no physical power. It is the source of your inner power – and meditation helps you make the connection.

Until now, if you are typical of most people, you have probably been so absorbed in your day to day thoughts and activities that you have not given much attention to this inner ‘something’, but if you want to become a fully functioning being and live life to the full, you must be in harmony, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

The Benefits of Meditation

 ‘All of man’s troubles arise from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.’

 Blaise Pascal

In the West, meditation was once believed to be the preserve of gurus and mystics. It conjured up images of shaven-headed monks in brightly coloured robes sitting cross-legged on the floor. However, many people – including many business leaders and TV celebrities – have taken up meditation. They recognise that it’s vitally important for physical and emotional wellbeing to have some quiet time to yourself each day.


Health benefits

Meditation helps rejuvenate mind, body and spirit, so you can cope better with time pressures, the demands of others, and fatigue.  It puts you in charge of your own mind, frees you from past programming and conditioning, and detaches you from fears about the future.

An undisciplined mind is constantly at work, but its activity is largely aimless and unproductive. Restless thoughts come and go, frittering mental energy.

Using biofeedback and other equipment, Dr Herbert Benson, an American physiologist, found that meditation brings about many beneficial changes. In his book, ‘The Relaxation Response’, he described how he induced Alpha and deep Theta levels in his subjects and observed long-lasting health improvements.

  • Meditation helps to reduce stress-related health conditions, including headaches, gastric problems, muscular aches and pains, back and neck tension and immune system deficiencies such as hay fever and asthma.
  • People who meditate frequently have more energy and need less sleep. They are less prone to insomnia.
  • It relieves depression and helps with other emotional problems. Doctors who teach meditation find they reduce their prescribing of medication.
  • Research has also shown that regular meditation can slow down the aging process. Practitioners look and feel younger.
  • Meditation can also be a powerful tool to combat degenerative illness. E.g. cancer patients have achieved remission, and arthritis sufferers have reduced pain and swelling in their joints.


Performance enhancement

  • Sportsmen and women know the importance of a quiet mind if you want to achieve peak performance.
  • Students meditate to help them learn more efficiently, improve memory and cope better with examination stress.
  • Busy people who stay cool, calm and focussed perform better. Regular meditators can stand back from crises and see the bigger picture. They work better under pressure and find they can think more clearly.
  • Entertainers who meditate, including public speakers, feel more relaxed and at ease when performing.
  • It can also improve creativity by balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Emotional Benefits

With daily practice, meditation can help you to:

  • Become more even tempered, happier, less grumpy, less irritable, and more loving.
  • Build self-confidence and become more outgoing.
  • Discover a sense of freedom from ‘negative’ emotions, e.g. if you’re a parent, you’ll cope better with fractious youngsters and employees become less angry with a difficult boss.
  • Reflect on your experiences, make sense of them, and understand the lessons you need to learn.


Spiritual benefits

Meditation puts you in touch with your Deepest Self. It helps you to gain self-knowledge, find guidance from within and develop a more harmonious relationship with the world around you. The skills are acquired gradually, but in time, meditation:

  • Brings calmness and stability to the world around you (it rubs off on other people).
  • Puts you in touch with yourself as a being of compassion, peace and love.
  • Brings you into awareness of a powerful inner guidance which helps you to develop your full potential.

Experienced practitioners often report a feeling of connectedness with all things when they meditate, as if all the boundaries which divide people from each other melt away. They feel part of a great universal whole – the ultimate state of bliss. And it is within the reach of everybody.

Whatever you want out of life, meditation can enable you to succeed. And it is not necessary to find a guru or pay huge sums for a mantra. The techniques are easily learned and you can practise in your own living room.


©David Lawrence Preston, 20.6.2016

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Peace of Mind

Peace of mind often seems elusive in this busy world. Nearly everyone agrees it’s an important ‘state of being’. How can we experience it? Is there a formula that could enable us to have it now and for ever more?

Some think there is. Many Buddhists, for instance, associate it with a state of total desirelessness. But for the vast majority there is no simple formula, although there are powerful guidelines:

Acceptance and non-judgement

Some would argue peace of mind can be attained by being happy, healthy and prosperous; feeling good about yourself and fully in control of your life. Certainly all this is important – but it’s not the whole story. The additional key to peace of mind is summed up in the words, acceptance or, to put it another way, non-judgement.

Acceptance doesn’t necessarily mean ‘approving’ but it does mean seeing the world as it is, not filtered through a set of beliefs about how you think it should be; allowing others to be as they are, doing what they do according to their preoccupations and desires. You may not like their behaviour, but if you are constantly wishing they and the world were different, real peace of mind will always elude you.

A calm mind

Peace comes with calmness. A calm mind comes with a relaxed body. It is also closely associated with forgiveness – although the less you judge, the more accepting you become and the less you have to forgive.

The secret of acceptance, and therefore peace of mind, is to adopt the empowering belief:

Everything is exactly as it‘s meant to be, and always works out for the best. Say it out loud, at least ten times, three times a day. After a month reflect on the difference it has made.

This is not meant to be a recipe for inertia. If you notice something that can be improved or needs changing and are determined to do something about it, this too is exactly as it should be.

Naturally, the word ‘everything’ includes ‘everybody’ too. Adopt an attitude of non-judgement, then discord, anxiety and animosity immediately evaporate.

Time for yourself

Take some time for yourself every day, to relax, meditate or even just do nothing. The world demands so much of our time that we have less and less for those delightful moments of being alone to think our thoughts, dream our dreams and let wisdom germinate and take root in our minds.

The here and now

Keep bringing your thoughts back to the here and now. Now is the only moment over which you have any control. Let go of yesterday’s regrets of tomorrow’s worries. Each days has troubles enough of its own.

Avoid vows

Don’t make statements or pledges you can’t justify or have no intention of honouring.

Don’t generalise

Avoid thoughts and phrases that begin with, ‘I’ll never…..’ or ‘I’ll always…..’

How do you know? How can you make statements about the future right now? You don’t know how circumstances may change.

And finally…

Be mindful and diligent, stay focussed on the positive, and keep a clear conscience. Everything will work out for the best – and you will experience a wonderful feeling of peace.

©David Lawrence Preston, 14.6.2016

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Thoughts on Affirmations

What does ‘prayer’ suggest to you? A pointless ritual? A cleric recites from a prayer book while the congregation gives fixed ‘responses’ parrot-fashion? This is one form of prayer, but it is not the whole story.

As a child, I was taught to get down on my knees and plead with a supernatural being to take pity on me, give me what I wanted and solve my problems for me. I call this ‘begging prayer’. Needless to say, this kind of prayer hardly ever works. Nowadays I don’t believe that prayer is for acquiring things or having our problems solved by an outside force, but for hastening our personal growth.

Which brings us to a third type of ‘prayer’, one that does work. It’s called ‘affirmative prayer’. It is, in effect, concentrated positive thinking. It works directly on our consciousness, making us aware of limiting thought patterns and changing them so that new thought patterns manifest as life conditions. There’s no need to kneel or beg and you don’t have to pray to a G-d unless you want to. You can pray anytime, anywhere, and in your own words. It can be a one minute activity in which you pause, mentally switch off from your surroundings and take a few moments to centre yourself among the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Affirmative prayer has three main mechanisms – mindfulness, denials and affirmations. Denial is letting go of unwanted thoughts and limiting beliefs. The process is then completed by affirming the truth of positive thoughts and beliefs.


Mindfulness is simply going within and being aware of our thoughts and feelings and how we are responding to the world around us. It is taught in clinics, classes and counselling sessions all over the world as an effective psychological therapy.


Denials are akin to preparing the ground before planting seeds – first we dig up the weeds, clear the ground and prepare the soil. For example:

  • I now release all fear, all worry, anxiety and mistrust.
  • I am now letting go of all hatred, anger and all bitterness.

Allow yourself to feel the release happening as you interrupt the energy you have been giving to erroneous thoughts.


Follow each denial with affirmations. To affirm anything is to assert that it is so. It begins the process of making it so even if there is no visible evidence to support it. Use a form of words such as, ‘I now accept…..’ or ‘I now establish…..’ The word ‘now’ adds to their immediacy. For example:

  • I automatically and joyfully focus on the positive.
  • Perfect harmony is now established in me. I am at peace.
  • It is right for me to have happiness (or love, prosperity etc.). I claim it. I give thanks for it.
  • I resolve to live, love and be happy, whatever happens around me, with compassion for all.
  • I have time enough, faith enough, strength enough and enthusiasm enough to do the things that need to be done by me.

Create some affirmations for yourself. Write them on a card and carry them around with you. Use them often, both silently and aloud. You can adapt them any time to meet your own needs.

Intuitive ideas

We receive answers to affirmative prayers not in the form of miraculous interventions, but intuitive ideas. When they come, act on them. Keep your wits about you and let your inner self guide you.

 Don’t ask for changes in your circumstances, but in yourself. Affirmative prayer brings about changes in every cell in our bodies and in our energy field. And when we change, the world changes, reflecting back the changes taking place within us. Then, as we incorporate more of the higher qualities into ourselves, we are able to make a real difference to our own and other people’s lives.

Affirmative prayer has been shown to be effective in many scientific studies, and the explanation is not difficult to find. In quantum terms it aligns our thoughts with the highest vibrations of the universe.

Deep inside us, at our very core, is a place of absolute silence and stillness where we become aware of a peaceful Presence at the centre of our being. But first we have to clear away the foolish thoughts and emotional fog which obscure it. Thinking too much is like over-eating – it brings a kind of mental indigestion of anxiety and stress. That’s why every respectable spiritual tradition teaches stillness and silence to connect with one’s deepest self and strengthen our link with the Life Force, whatever we conceive it to be.

So put aside your negative preconceptions about prayer. Don’t be a praying beggar. Direct your thoughts positively, focus on the Power within you. Be inspired. When you’re calm, whole and centred on the inside, your life is complete on the outside too. That’s what the Buddha meant when he said, ‘Meditate and be mindful, and all else will follow.’

©David Lawrence Preston, 7.6.2018

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