Tag: biofield

  • Why Big Pharma is unsustainable

    The conventional view, upon which modern medicine is based, is that the body is a collection of dumb atoms which somehow come together to form molecules (chemicals) which combine to form living cells. Cells gather together to make a body which is governed by genes, nerves and hormones. When we are ill, the body’s biochemistry…

  • 21st Century Healing – The Biofield

    The human biofield is a structured set of holographic patterns of information. Without it we would not exist. It surrounds and entwines the body, integrating our physical, chemical, mental and emotional natures with our intelligence and consciousness. Today it can be observed, measured and influenced to bring about previously unimaginable healings. The biofield is dynamic…

  • Consciousness and Healing (3)

    I have identified seven levels of consciousness in healing and discussed the first five in previous blogs; in this blog I discuss the final two, the energy healer and the informational healer. The prevailing mindset in the medical community today is dominated by biochemistry and (increasingly) genetics, although there is a growing realisation that psychological…