Tag: history
Valentine’s Day
Today is Valentine’s Day. For many people this means it is a day of flowers, chocolates and greetings cards slushy, humorous or both. We may think this is a recent invention like Fathers’ Day, but that’s far from true. Valentine’s Day dates back many centuries and has its origins in 3rd Century Rome. St Valentine…
Yeshua bar Yehosef was barely mentioned by the chroniclers of his time
Did Yeshua bar Yehosef, the man later renamed ‘Jesus’ by his Greek and Roman followers, actually exist? At one time I doubted it. I placed him in the same category as King Arthur, Hercules and Robin Hood, mythical characters only loosely based on real people. But now I’m sure he did, even though the historical…
Why doesn’t the Church own up?
Earlier generations were unwilling to challenge the Bible from a scientific or historical point of view, but now we are willing, and, moreover, we can. Biblical scholarship has reached a new high in recent decades. New and better evidence has become available for historians, theologians, archaeologists and linguists to scrutinize for factual accuracy and new…
History of Bioenergetic Healing
Bioenergetic healing is nothing new. Many ancient cultures recognised an energy field within and around the body. Nowadays the latest scientific insights – especially those gained from quantum physics – are being applied to a better understanding of the body’s energy field and the information fields that direct it. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) TCM has…