Tag: Law of Attraction
Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative prayer is not like the sort of prayers that many of us grew up with. It is not about pleading with a G_d to do something for us, but directing our self-talk to our inner selves in a positive and life-enhancing way. We know there is an Intelligence in the universe that shapes energy…
The Second Law – The Law of Attraction
The universe works on energy and attraction. The mind has a magnetic quality which attracts whatever we hold in our consciousness. Thoughts of good things attract good things: loving thoughts attract love, peaceful thoughts attract peace, thoughts of success attract success and so on. In the same way, thoughts of fear, illness, poverty and so…
The Universe is not run by blind forces
Science tells us that the Universe is not run by blind forces. It is regulated by fields of intelligent energy. We have difficulty grasping this concept because the world appears so fickle and our untrained minds, dominated by the five senses, cannot see beyond appearances. Consider a waterfall. Water cascades and sends spray everywhere. It…
Napolean Hill’s 12 Things That Make People Rich
I’m a huge admirer of Dr Napolean Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude’ and other titles in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. The principles he identified are as relevant today as ever. Every great achiever has applied them, consciously or unconsciously, in many areas of activity, not…
Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we?
I spotted a competition in a newspaper recently. ‘Change your life forever!’ it announced in huge letters. ‘Win a new home, a car, a dream holiday, £20,000 a year for life to help you maintain your new, luxurious lifestyle, and enjoy VIP treatment from celebrity experts.’ Well, obviously if you won this handsome prize your…
Positive Mind, Positive Questions
The way you talk to yourself is crucial. It influences your state of mind, your mood and your behaviour, and therefore the circumstances of your life. Frequently your self-talk – the ongoing conversation in your head – sounds like a series of questions since we habitually interrogate ourselves: ‘What should I do next?’ ‘How should…
Told ‘No’ 100,000 times by the age of 12
Our country is suffering from an epidemic. Every day most of us come into contact with sufferers. You may even suffer from it yourself. And yet it often goes unrecognised. The condition? Acute low self-esteem and a chronic lack of self-confidence. Yes, low self-esteem is endemic in society and it wreaks more havoc than cancer,…
Three Easy Techniques For Becoming A Positive Thinker
The Rubber Band Technique This simple technique works in two stages: First, it increases your awareness of unhelpful or negative thoughts, emotions or behaviours you want to change. Second, it helps you replace unwanted patterns with the chosen new ones. Wear a rubber band on your left wrist (or right if left-handed). Twang the band…