Tag: religion
The Essence of Spirituality
It’s often said that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human experiences. This is a life-changing idea; once we grasp it, nothing ever seems the same again. Spirituality has little to organised religion, although followers of organised religion usually think it does. It is not about adopting a structured…
The End of Celibacy?
In February 2013 a most remarkable thing happened – the Head of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, Cardinal O’Brien, called for an end to the requirement that Catholic priests be celibate, and urged the next Pope to allow them to marry. The insistence on celibacy, he said, left many priests struggling to cope with…
Christianity – the ultimate barrier?
Ann Widdecombe once presented a TV programme on the future of Christianity. Ms Widdecombe is a former government minister with a forthright manner somewhat reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher, her political hero. When the Church of England voted to allow women clergy, she promptly resigned her place on the ruling Synod and became a Roman Catholic,…
The New Testament letters justify slavery
There’s no doubt about it – the New Testament letters justify slavery. If one regards the New Testament as the ‘word of G_d’, then one has some explaining to do! Keeping slaves was a common practice in Greek and Roman society, and the coming of Christianity made virtually no difference. The most important letters in…