Tag: Women
The Da Vinci Code
I read Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ several years ago and saw the film. I couldn’t put it down. It made compulsive reading. It’s a novel of course, although the author claims that much of the history and symbolism referred to in the book are true. It suggests that Mary Magdalene and Yeshua the Nazarene…
Holiness was equated with purity in 1st Century Jewish society
In the 1st Century BCE, holiness in Jewish society was equated with cleanliness and governed by the Purity Laws. They dated back to the Torah written hundreds of years before. These are the basis of Christian morality because they were the basis of Yeshua’s morality. Among the 613 strictures of the Torah were: To circumcise…
G_d is an equal opportunities employer – pity about the church!
I saw a T shirt, ‘God is an equal opportunities employer – pity about the church!’ 20th November 2012 saw the debacle in which a handful of Church of England members were able to scupper the Church’s plans to introduce women bishops. It was later reversed, but not to universal acclaim. The argument against women…