Category: Positive thinking
The Creative Power of Thought
Thoughts are powerful things. They have impact. They lead to actions, which bring results. They are the building blocks of our lives. We literally create our experiences by the activity of thinking. We can take control of ourselves in any situation because we, and we alone, control our thoughts. They determine what we become, what…
How to Become A Positive Thinker
How you think matters. There is a direct connection between what you think and what you say and do, and what you get out of life. As long as you keep thinking as you’ve been thinking, you’ll keep feeling as you’ve been feeling, doing as you’ve been doing, and getting what you’ve been getting. So…
Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative prayer is not like the sort of prayers that many of us grew up with. It is not about pleading with a G_d to do something for us, but directing our self-talk to our inner selves in a positive and life-enhancing way. We know there is an Intelligence in the universe that shapes energy…
Thoughts on Affirmations
What does ‘prayer’ suggest to you? A pointless ritual? A cleric recites from a prayer book while the congregation gives fixed ‘responses’ parrot-fashion? This is one form of prayer, but it is not the whole story. As a child, I was taught to get down on my knees and plead with a supernatural being to…
Positive Attitudes
‘The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, then what other people think, say or do. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice…
Positive Mind, Positive Questions
The way you talk to yourself is crucial. It influences your state of mind, your mood and your behaviour, and therefore the circumstances of your life. Frequently your self-talk – the ongoing conversation in your head – sounds like a series of questions since we habitually interrogate ourselves: ‘What should I do next?’ ‘How should…
A Walk in the Mountains
A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams: “Aaahhhhhhhh!!!” To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: “Aaahhhhhhhh!!!” Curious, he yells: “Who are you?” He receives the answer: “Who are you?” Angered at the response, he screams: “Coward!” The answer comes…
Positive Self-Talk
Plato remarked correctly that when the mind is thinking, it is talking to itself. Our internal dialogue (or ‘self-talk’) can help build a wonderful life or play havoc with everything we do – if we allow it. One study revealed that continually using negative words and phrases can bring about a decline in our memory…
Three Easy Techniques For Becoming A Positive Thinker
The Rubber Band Technique This simple technique works in two stages: First, it increases your awareness of unhelpful or negative thoughts, emotions or behaviours you want to change. Second, it helps you replace unwanted patterns with the chosen new ones. Wear a rubber band on your left wrist (or right if left-handed). Twang the band…