Category: Psychology
The I-T-I-A Formula
I-T-I-A stands for: Intention Thought Imagination Action The I-T-I-A Formula takes into account everything known about how mind processes information and brings about change. But you must do all four; otherwise the effects won’t be permanent. Intention Personal change starts with a decision – to learn a new skill, to develop a new personal quality…
A Good Night’s Sleep
Everyone knows what a struggle the day can be if you haven’t had a good night’s sleep. Our energy and performance levels suffer, and so do our stress levels and our mood. Yet we can’t ‘make’ ourselves go to sleep and more than we can make ourselves remember things. More than a third of adults…
A Good Night’s Sleep
Everyone knows what a struggle the day can be if they haven’t had a good night’s sleep. Our energy and performance levels suffer, and so do our stress levels and our mood. Yet we can’t ‘make’ ourselves go to sleep and more than we can make ourselves remember things. More than a third of adults…
The Power of Suggestion
Suggestions have a big influence over our lives. Tell anyone something convincingly enough and they’ll accept what you say. Tell them over and over again and sooner or later they’ll start to believe you. Unfortunately it’s often the suggestions of others that we allow to control us. For instance: Advertisers use them to persuade us…
Taking Charge of Your Life
Before we can take charge of our lives, we must acknowledge some basic truths: Everything we are is the result of ‘causes’ laid down in the past; what we will become will result from what we are now and from ‘causes’ still to be laid down. This is the universal Law of Cause and Effect.…
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect (sometimes known as Karma) is fundamental to the universe. It is probably most closely associated with the physical sciences, for example, when a snooker cue strikes a ball, the ball moves, and when one ball hits another, the impact made by the first causes the second to move. Their…
Anger – hot coals and cool thoughts
‘Holding anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.’ The Buddha Anger has had a bad press. It’s generally thought to be a bad thing and, sure, it can be harmful when unjustified and badly handled. It raises our…
Nature or Nurture: Why You Are The Way You Are
Nature or nurture? One of the questions that has occupied psychologists for years is ‘Are we a result of ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’?’ To what extent are we shaped by childhood experiences, parenting, schooling and environment? What part does our genetic inheritance play? What really determines the sort of people we are and who we become?…
Guilt – A Useless Emotion
Mae West: ‘For a long time I was ashamed of the way I lived.’ Interviewer: ‘Did you reform?’ Mae West: ‘No, I’m not ashamed any more.’ Guilt is anger turned in on yourself. It is one of the most common emotions, and one of the most disabling. It is also one of the most useless.…
Your Inner Power
We all have a unique and wonderful power within us which holds the key to our ultimate happiness and fulfillment. It originates from the way we think, and what we imagine, say and do. This inner power is non-physical. When we are attuned to it and allow it to guide and support us we are…