Category: Mind
The Firewalk – Creative Imagery in Action
The most convincing demonstration of creative imagery for me took place a few years ago. About three dozen of us gathered in a field in Somerset one cool April evening. A five metre lane of burning hot embers was prepared, and one by one we tentatively stepped onto the fire, muttering ‘cool wet moss’ and…
The Superconscious
The human mind has powers far greater than those most of us imagine. That’s because it extends beyond our physical boundaries into the energy field that surrounds us, connecting us with other minds and linking with the information fields that control the universe. Among the amazing capabilities of the mind are its ability to: Seemingly…
The Higher and Lower Selves
Our inner experience often feels like a tug of war as various streams of thought battle for attention. Some thoughts come from the needs of the body and emotions. They make up the part of the mind referred to as the ego or ‘Lower Self’. In contrast, we also have thoughts which come from the…
In a nutshell – everything you need to know about the mind
Knowing how our own mind works is crucial for a truly happy and productive life. So what is the mind? Is it not just another word for ‘brain’? No. The mind is not a physical thing like the brain. It is an activity which extends into every cell in the body and the energy field…
Why Creative Imagery Has Such A Powerful Effect On The Unconscious
Why does creative imagery have such a powerful effect on the unconscious, and consequently your life? Imprinting a thought-form in your mind (words and/or pictures) is like planting a seed. It may take a while before you see the results, but every time you focus on that thought, the roots are burying deep. Eventually the…
Creating a wonderful life with Creative Imagery
We all have a goal-seeking mechanism housed in the unconscious which takes us where the unconscious believes we want to go. It is best influenced by: 1. Repetition – continually and consciously focussing on positive thoughts and images – effective if you persist going long enough; and 2. Creative imagery – relaxing into Alpha State…
Consciousness and Healing (1)
There’s an old Eastern story about a group of scientists who set out to climb the Mountain of Truth, where all knowledge is revealed. They scramble to the top of a steep slope, only to see another peak beyond that. They climb the next, only to see yet another even higher. They climb that and……
Understanding the Mind
What is this thing called ‘mind’? Unlike the brain, it’s not a physical thing. It’s an activity. If you opened up your head you would not be able to find it, because it can’t be seen or weighed. But we know it’s there: we are aware of it and can observe it in action. Crucially,…