Category: Prosperity
Prosperity is a spiritual state
Economists think of prosperity as money in the bank and how much we consume, but this is not the full picture. Why? Because it is not necessarily those with the most money who feel the most prosperous! We can own lots of things and feel poor; we can own little and feel blessed. It’s hard…
Ten prosperity principles
You have something to offer – and others are willing to pay you for it (in cash or kind) What can you offer? As you share your knowledge and skills, you also expand the consciousness of the recipient. All it takes is a little insight and self-belief. Many people have a great deal to offer…
A Spiritual Take on Prosperity
We live in a money-obsessed world. In his autobiography Nelson Mandela recalls some advice he received from a wealthy businessman when he was training to be a lawyer. ‘Look out there, Nelson,’ he said. ‘Do you see those men and women scurrying up and down the street? What is it they are working for so…
Napolean Hill’s 12 Things That Make People Rich
I’m a huge admirer of Dr Napolean Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude’ and other titles in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. The principles he identified are as relevant today as ever. Every great achiever has applied them, consciously or unconsciously, in many areas of activity, not…