Category: Spirituality
The Universe is not run by blind forces
Science tells us that the Universe is not run by blind forces. It is regulated by fields of intelligent energy. We have difficulty grasping this concept because the world appears so fickle and our untrained minds, dominated by the five senses, cannot see beyond appearances. Consider a waterfall. Water cascades and sends spray everywhere. It…
Can we influence Creative Intelligence?
Can we influence Creative Intelligence? Sure! The only limits placed on our ability to draw energy from our Source are our lack of knowledge and our unwillingness to apply what we know. Quantum physicists tell us we live in an intelligent universe, and that intelligence flows through us all. Our minds are part of this…
A Spiritual Take on Prosperity
We live in a money-obsessed world. In his autobiography Nelson Mandela recalls some advice he received from a wealthy businessman when he was training to be a lawyer. ‘Look out there, Nelson,’ he said. ‘Do you see those men and women scurrying up and down the street? What is it they are working for so…
What are we?
One morning I knocked on my son’s bedroom door. ‘Are you up?’ I asked. I heard a groan and then a voice answered. ‘My body’s up, but I’m not!’ Later that day, I turned on the TV. A reporter was interviewing a woman with piercings all over her body. ‘Why did you do it?’ asked…
The Essence of Spirituality
It’s often said that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human experiences. This is a life-changing idea; once we grasp it, nothing ever seems the same again. Spirituality has little to organised religion, although followers of organised religion usually think it does. It is not about adopting a structured…
Christianity – the ultimate barrier?
Ann Widdecombe once presented a TV programme on the future of Christianity. Ms Widdecombe is a former government minister with a forthright manner somewhat reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher, her political hero. When the Church of England voted to allow women clergy, she promptly resigned her place on the ruling Synod and became a Roman Catholic,…