Category: Law of Attraction
Affirmations and Denials
Denials and affirmations are powerful techniques for changing your thought patterns and creating a productive, positive mind. Denials To deny means ‘to declare untrue’. Denial is letting go of unwanted thoughts and mistaken beliefs. The process is then completed by affirming what is true. Denials begin the process of change. When we want to grow…
The Creative Power of Thought
Thoughts are powerful things. They have impact. They lead to actions, which bring results. They are the building blocks of our lives. We literally create our experiences by the activity of thinking. We can take control of ourselves in any situation because we, and we alone, control our thoughts. They determine what we become, what…
The Real Secret
The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is simply stated as ‘whatever we focus our minds upon we attract into our lives.’ It has become popular – dare I say fashionable – as a result of a best-selling book, CD set and DVD called ‘The Secret’. But it’s nothing new. King Solomon, the Buddha…