Tag: economics
Buddhist Economics
One of the greatest statements on living simply is to be found in E. F. Schumacher’s book, ‘Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered’. The chapter entitled Buddhist Economics pointed out that consumption is merely a means to an end. Our aim, he argued, ‘should be to obtain the maximum well-being…
Buddhist Economics and Good Work
One of the greatest statements on living simply is to be found in E. F. Schumacher’s book, ‘Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered’. One chapter, ‘Buddhist Economics,’ points out that consumption is not the purpose of life but merely a means to an end. Our aim, he argued, ‘should be…
A Spiritual Take on Prosperity
We live in a money-obsessed world. In his autobiography Nelson Mandela recalls some advice he received from a wealthy businessman when he was training to be a lawyer. ‘Look out there, Nelson,’ he said. ‘Do you see those men and women scurrying up and down the street? What is it they are working for so…