Tag: Relationships
The Law of Reciprocity
The Law of Reciprocity is the Golden Rule. It is usually stated as: ‘Treat everyone as you like to be treated.’ However this is not quite right. Others have their own values and preferences that you may not share. They may not want to be treated the same. Therefore the Law of Reciprocity is better…
Relationships are like a mirror
Relationships are like a mirror reflecting back the way we are. Through our interactions with others, we learn about ourselves. The feedback can be immediate and sometimes harsh, but if we are open, illuminating. When we learn to see relationships as a mirror, we clear the way to profound personal growth. No more blaming anyone…
Our Inter-contentedness
We are connected to each other, not loosely but in countless ways. Apart from the obvious physical and emotional links between people, we share the same Life Force that flows through me and you. We are made of the same ‘stuff’, breathe the same air and drink the same water. The differences between us are…
The Eighth Principle of Relationships
The eighth principle is: Work on yourself. Become a better person, and all your relationships will improve. The place to start if you want to improve your relationships is with yourself – improving your confidence and self-image, challenging harmful beliefs and learning new listening and communication skills. Cultivate an open, positive attitude to all your…
The Fifth Principle of Relationships
The Fifth Principle of Relationships is: Relate to others on an emotional level. Have you ever wondered why some people get on with everybody? It’s usually because they understand that relationships are formed at an emotional level. Sometimes it’s instinctive – but not always. If you have empathy, it’s easier to build friendships and quickly…
The Second Principle of Relationships
The Second Principle of relationships is: If you want a relationship to succeed, you must take responsibility for the relationship. The fundamental truth about relationships is this: other people are primarily interested in themselves, not you. They are primarily governed by self-interest (as are you). So the more important you make a person feel, the…
The First Principle of Relationships
The first (and overriding) principle of relationships is this: Every relationship involves a mutual fulfilling of needs If you fulfill someone else’s needs, they want to maintain and deepen your relationship. If you don’t, they’ll avoid you or minimise their contact with you. Think about it – do you like spending time with people who…
The art of relating – eight principles
‘It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.’ Alfred Adler Human beings are interdependent. We need fulfilling relationships. We need others to turn to. Relationships are…