Tag: spirituality

  • Where are you at?

    In his best-selling book, Further Along the Road Less Travelled, M. Scott Peck pointed out that we are not all at the same place in terms of our spiritual growth. He identified four ‘stages’ of growth. If you had to pick one which most accurately describes you, which would it be? Stage One Stage One…

  • Why spirituality and religion are so different

    Religion and spirituality are not the same. Spirituality is not concerned with myths and fairy stories, but with life. That’s why many people are leaving the traditional religions. They cannot relate to the dogma and ritual that characterises them. They say nothing to them about life as it is lived. To be valid, a spiritual…

  • Shadows on a wall: The message of Plato’s Cave

    The great spiritual teachers taught us not to judge by appearances and to seek what is real, not what merely looks real. The Greek philosopher Plato devised a metaphor to explain how our limited view of reality governs how we think and act. He likened us to prisoners chained to the wall of a cave…

  • Spirituality goes beyond appearances to ultimate reality

    There are many interpretations of ‘spirituality’, and they all relate to things outside the realms of physical nature or matter. Living spiritually doesn’t  mean following a particular religion, but it does infer the understanding that the universe has some order and that the creative force behind it (whatever that may be) is intelligent and purposeful.…

  • ‘Spiritual’ means ‘non-physical’

    A creative intelligence flows through the universe which holds the key to living to your potential. This is not religion talking, but science, or, more specifically, quantum physics. Like the sun, it constantly emits energy. You are charged with this spiritual energy which needs only to be released for you to enjoy your life to…

  • David Lawrence Preston highlights biblical inconsistencies in new book

    A historical/factual perspective on Christian doctrine. BOURNEMOUTH, England — David Lawrence Preston was inspired to write “201 Things about Christianity You Probably Don’t Know (But Ought To)” (published by Balboa Press) after his investigation of Christian doctrine. It led to the discovery of a huge number of inaccuracies and contradictions. He highlights these inconsistencies and…

  • 6 Tips for Inner Peace

    Inner peace if destroyed by mental tension. The source of most mental tension is the ego – that part of our psyche which constructs the image of ourselves we like to present to the world.  Your ego is your idea of who you should be and who you would like others to think you are.…

  • Don’t be a ‘praying beggar’!

    Many religious people believe that prayer is about pleading for miracles or flattering a supernatural being into taking pity on them. They assume that some higher power is able and willing to intervene directly in earthly affairs. A more enlightened approach is to reject the notion that prayer is for acquiring things or having our…

  • Forgiveness

    I’m often struck by the spectacle of people who’ve just suffered some tragedy – like a close relative being murdered – being placed in front of the TV cameras and being asked one of the most stupid of stupid questions – how do you feel? Soon after the event, they’re usually too shocked to say…

  • 5 reasons to forgive

    Practise forgiveness Judging, blaming, bearing grudges and forgiveness are closely related. Before you need to forgive you must have judged, blamed and felt a measure of fear. Otherwise there would be nothing to forgive. It is not for you to decide whether the recipient deserves to be forgiven is not. Forgiveness is not about condoning…