Category: Peace

  • 6 Tips for Inner Peace

    Inner peace if destroyed by mental tension. The source of most mental tension is the ego – that part of our psyche which constructs the image of ourselves we like to present to the world.  Your ego is your idea of who you should be and who you would like others to think you are.…

  • Love your enemies

    A great teacher taught that we should love our enemies and bless those who persecute us. What did he mean by this? Problems with others usually occur because our own thinking is in error. With no enmity in our thinking, we have no enemies! That’s why Abraham Lincoln observed, ‘Am I not destroying my enemies…

  • Deep down we are all beings of peace

    We live in a society where looking after number one is not only fashionable but encouraged. We forget that we are all here to grow as individuals and support each other. Looking after ourselves with no consideration for others makes no sense. Since everything we do returns to us like a boomerang, selfishness actually harms…