Don’t judge by appearances – an important holistic healing principle

We live in two worlds simultaneously – the physical world bounded by time and space; and the invisible, formless world of energy, intelligence and information. In the quantum world where our consciousness resides we are always well; only in the physical world of matter do we vacillate between sickness and health. When we buy into destructive beliefs we risk suffering the appearance of ill health.

Focus your thoughts on mind on what is true:

  • You are a manifestation of Spirit, the only power working in the universe.
  • There is no absence of life, love or intelligence anywhere.
  • Every moment life, wisdom and power flow into and through you.
  • Pain, sickness and old age cannot master the essence of you, whatever the appearances.

Turning your attention to the in-dwelling Life Force fills mind and body with new energies. Talk to your mind and body as you would talk to a patient. The Intelligence within will do the rest.

Use affirmations such as:

  • Health and well-being flow into every cell of my body.
  • Love fills my whole being and dissolves anything detrimental to my health.
  • I am a child of the universe and it is right for me to have perfect health. I claim it now.
  • Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.

Health and healing are your birthright. Your worthiness to be healed is never in question. Believe in your recovery. If doubt gets in the way, the healing flow is blocked.


©David Lawrence Preston, 14.11.2016

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