The remarkable healing of Myrtle Fillmore

Myrtle Fillmore was born in 1845. She was repeatedly told as a child that her health was poor and that she was prone to tuberculosis – believed fatal in those days. It wasn’t until her early forties when, having contracted tuberculosis, she attended a talk on healing by an influential teacher of the time. When she emerged from the hall, one thought repeated itself over and over in her mind:

‘I am a child of God and therefore I do not inherit sickness.’

Her belief that she was inherently fragile crumbled and within two years she was completely cured. The following year, at the age of 44, she gave birth to a third son. She wrote in her diary,  ‘Spirit spoke to me very clearly, saying, ‘You have looked among your faults; now look among your virtues.’ And I did; and there I found the cause of the deep-seated physical suffering and congestion.’

Energy and intelligence

Myrtle wrote the story of her healing. She told how she realized one day that life is a flow of energy guided by intelligence and that we can instruct the body to do as we require. She became attentive to her thoughts and prayed every hour for help. She asked for forgiveness for past mistakes and told her muscles and organs that they were drawing on an unlimited Source and were healthy and strong.

After the healing, others sought her help. She helped a crippled man to walk, cured a woman’s asthma, helped a boy blinded by cataracts to see, cured a boy of tonsillitis and another of croup. She told all who sought her help that it was God’s will that they be healthy and that the healing power of Spirit was within them.

Meanwhile her husband, Charles, a down to earth businessman with an inquiring, scientific mind, realised that something extraordinary had happened. He wanted to know the reason for the healing and found many conflicting explanations. He became convinced that there was a great power behind the healings. In the decades ahead he gave many talks and wrote many books about metaphysics.

Charles and Myrtle went on to found a prayer and healing ministry. She died in 1931, aged 86. Charles lived to be 94.

©David Lawrence Preston, 14.11.2016

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