The human mind has powers far greater than those most of us imagine. That’s because it extends beyond our physical boundaries into the energy field that surrounds us, connecting us with other minds and linking with the information fields that control the universe.
Among the amazing capabilities of the mind are its ability to:
- Seemingly pluck ideas out of the air
- ‘Know’ something without any concrete evidence
- Solve complicated problems without any specialist training, including in our sleep
- Send and receive messages from others, and
- Recall events and circumstances apparently from past lives.
All these are functions of what is often called the Superconscious Mind. We are part of a limitless source of knowledge and inspiration that extends beyond the physical brain and limitations of the five senses. It includes everything that existed in the past, exists in the present and will exist in the future, if indeed the terms ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’ have any meaning in the quantum world.
Superconscious inspiration and insight have been available to us since the day we were born. Listen carefully. Every moment, the universe offers you spiritual guidance that you would be unwise to ignore.
The Superconscious challenges scientific analysis
Superconscious insight is often dismissed as bogus by neuroscientists because it cannot be explained by current scientific understanding of the workings of the brain alone. However, the evidence is overwhelming. For instance, Uri Geller is only one of many psychics to be investigated under rigorous conditions and has repeatedly proved his ability to communicate telepathically over huge distances. Nevertheless because the investigators have found no physical explanation, he is frequently portrayed as a trickster.
Superconscious abilities
We are a long way from understanding all the powers of the Superconscious, but we do know that they include the following:
- An ability to ‘know’ and to ‘connect’ that does not rely on past learning.
- Intuitive insight and decision making.
- Heightened creativity and inspiration.
- The ability to stand back and observe, reflect and detach from our thoughts and emotions.
- Telepathy – the ability to communicate unaided at a distance.
- Synchronicity – the ability to perceive, interpret and be guided by linked events and coincidences.
How do you make use of your Superconscious?
Think about it:
- Do you instinctively know when something is going to work or not?
- Have you ever felt an overwhelming urge to do something without being able to justify it logically? Did you follow it? What happened?
- Have you ever backed away from a course of action that seemed logical at the time, only to discover later that it would have spelled disaster? What happened? How did you feel?
- Do you ever wake up with a good idea, or the answer to a problem that has been bothering you?
- Have you ever had a ‘psychic’ experience? What happened?
- Do you ever feel that life is trying to steer you? In what way?
Trust your Superconscious
Surveys reveal that more than half of us believe in tarot cards and palmistry, and nearly half in mind reading. Sales of pendulums, dowsing rods, crystals and other New Age paraphernalia have rocketed in recent years. There is nothing wrong with any of this, as long as we remember that the props themselves are unimportant. They are merely tools which help some of us access our Superconscious.
Seek help from professional psychics if you must, but don’t hand responsibility for your life over to them. Instead, develop your own Superconscious abilities. When you place your trust in them, they never let you down. Our Superconscious abilities are a natural part of us. The more we use them, the more reliable they become.
©David Lawrence Preston, 11.12.2016
Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @David_L_Preston
How to Books, 2007
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