Tag: intuition
The I-T-I-A Formula
I-T-I-A stands for: Intention Thought Imagination Action The I-T-I-A Formula takes into account everything known about how mind processes information and brings about change. But you must do all four; otherwise the effects won’t be permanent. Intention Personal change starts with a decision – to learn a new skill, to develop a new personal quality…
The greatest mind-body healer?
The greatest mind-body healer of recent times was a diminutive and rather brusque character who lived in New England in the first half of the nineteenth century. His name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. He deserves to be much better known. Having cured himself of tuberculosis, considered impossible in those days, he developed a healing method…
Synchronicity explains what happens when two or more favorable events come together apparently by coincidence. But is there such a thing as a coincidence? In the grand scheme of things, no. Everything is designed to help us to grow and everyone knows deep down what they need to learn. Synchronicity occurs when two or more…
Intuitive problem solving
Our innate intuition can be used for solving intractable problems. Relax, Simply ask your Superconscious a question and believe you’ll be given the right answer. You’ll know, because you’ll feel it throughout your body. The best questions are those which presuppose a favourable outcome, such as: What’s the best solution to this problem? What can…
We receive inspiration from two main sources. The first is from within. It consists of creative thinking, remembering and ‘body intelligence’. For example, skilled mechanics know straight away why an engine won’t start and professional musicians can tune in to a piece of music and play along without necessarily rehearsing. In both cases the memory…
Intuition = ‘inner tuition’
Intuition is the sixth sense. It is the ability to come to correct conclusions from limited data, without resorting to memory, analysis or deductive logic. It is part of everyday life and definitely not a special ability restricted to a few. Humans are not the only creatures to have a sixth sense. Animals have it…
Imagination is the faculty by which we formulate ideas about things that are not present or have not been directly experienced. It is how we innovate: everything ever created first had to be imagined. A good imagination is not just the preserve of children, storytellers and artists, it is available to everyone. Imagination involves all…
The Superconscious
The human mind has powers far greater than those most of us imagine. That’s because it extends beyond our physical boundaries into the energy field that surrounds us, connecting us with other minds and linking with the information fields that control the universe. Among the amazing capabilities of the mind are its ability to: Seemingly…
Humans are emotional creatures
We kid ourselves that we are intelligent, rational beings, but we’re not. Most humans are more inclined to act emotionally than ‘logically’, and emotions can ruin our ability to think clearly. Mastery of the emotions, especially the ability to stay calm under pressure and bounce back after defeat, is the key to success in many…
Creativity and intuitive ideas
‘Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple, learn how to look after them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.’ John Steinbeck There are many ways of generate creative ideas. The first uses the mind as an information and data processing device, reacting to the environment to create new associations, connections and solutions. The…