Category: Healing

  • The self-healing process

    Illness is often the gateway to personal development. Along with the pain and suffering of a physical illness comes opportunity to change and to grow. There is a great deal of evidence that many health problems arise primarily from mismanagement. Many illnesses respond more  to better self-management and self-healing than allopathic medicine. If you think…

  • A New Body Every Year?

    Would you like a brand new body every year? It’s not that far-fetched you know! Your body is constantly regenerating itself. The cells continually die and are replaced with new cells at the rate of more than one million every second.  The cells of the heart and digestive system are replaced every three to six…

  • Spiritual Healing

    Spiritual healing is, of course, ‘humbug’ to the mainstream medical fraternity. I know of only one qualified doctor who entertains the possibility, and he quit practising mainstream medicine over a decade ago. Spiritual healing covers a wide range of methods, but is most closely associated in the public consciousness with the laying on of hands.…

  • Bioenergetic Healing – the Scientific Basis

    Last century astonishing developments took place in physics. For instance, Max Planck discovered the quartation of energy, the young Einstein acknowledged the double nature of quanta as wave-particle effects, and Werner Heisenberg challenged the supremacy of cause and effect in the subatomic realms. Nonlocality The 1920’s saw the rise of quantum physics and the first…

  • Traditionally, healing substances have come from nature

    Humans have always ingested substances for healing and good health. Some of these improve the digestion process, such as prunes and high fibre products. But there are others too. Many foods have healing properties, e.g. honey and lemon for colds, garlic as an antiseptic, an apple a day…. Then there are herbs, valued for their…

  • Consciousness and Healing (1)

    There’s an old Eastern story about a group of scientists who set out to climb the Mountain of Truth, where all knowledge is revealed. They scramble to the top of a steep slope, only to see another peak beyond that. They climb the next, only to see yet another even higher. They climb that and……

  • The Only Difference is the Dose

    Humans have always ingested substances they believe to bring health. E.g. many foods are believed to heal, such as prunes for constipation, honey and lemon for colds, garlic as an antiseptic, and so on. Then there are herbs, valued for their efficacious effects everywhere. In some cultures, they even eat soil for its healing properties.…

  • Consciousness and Healing (2)

    In a previous blog, I observed that the discovery long ago that we could heal ourselves was a great step forward in human evolution, and the healing methods used at each stage of our advancement are a direct result of the consciousness which prevailed at the time. Healing consciousness is about how we experience healing;…

  • Plumbers and Mechanics

    We’ve always known that there’s close connection between the body and the mind. It’s widely recognised, for instance, that people going through tough times get stressed and suffer stomach upsets, headaches, tiredness and so on, and besides how else do we wiggle our fingers or flex our toes? In the Oriental tradition, mind and body…