Category: Purpose

  • Why are you here?

    Why are we here? In short we don’t really know. We know the universe is orderly and expanding, has purpose and direction, and is presided over by an organising intelligence. So where do we fit in? Why do certain waves and particles take human form? What contribution do we make to the unfolding of the…

  • Your life’s mission

    ‘Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.’ Richard Bach King Solomon, reputedly the wisest man of his era, said, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ But it’s amazing how some people have no vision for their lives, no idea where they are…

  • Your Purpose

    One of the secrets of a long and healthy life is this: You can derive a great deal of strength and courage from identifying and affirming your purpose – especially when things are not going well. When you’re off-purpose you feel stressed, listless and empty inside. Your major aim, of course, is to find happiness…

  • How to find your life’s purpose

    You are a unique gift to the world, so how are you going to make this gift as valuable as it can be? Start by clarifying your life purpose. What’s your vision of the world and your part in it? What’s the Big Idea in your life, the theme that holds it all together? We…