Tag: attitude

  • Religious Beliefs

    Beliefs are collections of thoughts or ideas we hold to be true. We’re not born with them – all beliefs are learned, many in childhood. Nothing we believe is ever certain. Beliefs are transitory in nature, and millions have died for beliefs that no longer hold water, for instance that the world is flat, heavy…

  • The traveller and the monk – an ancient tale

    One day a traveller was walking along a road. As he walked he noticed a monk working in the fields beside the road. The traveller turned to the monk and asked, ‘Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?’ ‘Not at all,’ replied the monk. ‘I am travelling from the village in…

  • The Power of Beliefs

    Beliefs are collections of thoughts, or ideas which we hold to be true. All beliefs are learned, mostly in childhood. Most of our beliefs come from our elders. Nothing we believe (as opposed to know) is ever certain. Millions have died for beliefs that most of us no longer accept, for example: People were once…

  • The Third Principle of Relationships

    The Third Principle of relationships is: Unless you have a genuine interest in others, your relationships will never be fulfilling. Your attitudes manifest in the way you conduct yourself and is sensed by others. It’s simple: if you dislike people, have little interest in them and are constantly judging and criticising, you alienate them. Relationships…

  • Secrets of a Long Life

    A wise sage once said that it was his intention to die young at a great age! And there are indeed many octogenarians and older who still look good, are active, healthy, trim and have all their mental faculties. Ageing is a fact of life. No-one looks forward to getting old, and some people go…

  • Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we?

    I spotted a competition in a newspaper recently. ‘Change your life forever!’ it announced in huge letters. ‘Win a new home, a car, a dream holiday, £20,000 a year for life to help you maintain your new, luxurious lifestyle, and enjoy VIP treatment from celebrity experts.’ Well, obviously if you won this handsome prize your…