Tag: Beliefs
Health and Beliefs
No serious medical practitioner can now deny that mind and body are one. In the 1980s scientists such as Dr Candace Pert proved that thoughts travel along the nerves to the muscles, organs and tissues, influencing the process by which cells are renewed and that meanwhile, cells continually send messages to the brain. The mind…
People don’t like inconvenient facts getting in the way!
A Brummie friend told me about his upbringing. ‘If I’d been born in Pakistan,’ he said, ‘I’d be a Muslim. If I were from Israel, I’d be a Jew, if from Italy, I’d be a Catholic. When you’re from my part of Birmingham, you’re an Aston Villa supporter. It doesn’t occur to you to be…
The world is run by a family of giant lizards
As a child, my Methodist parents paid lip service to respecting others’ beliefs as long as they didn’t conflict with their own. I was to respect other people’s tastes, political opinions and allegiances, but they also warned me to be suspicious of the Catholic family living next door, the Spiritualists across the road, men with…
To be a Christian is to see the 21st Century world through 1st Century eyes
To be a Christian today is to see the world the same way as a small group of religious mavericks living in a tiny part of the world nearly two thousand years ago. It is like looking at our 21st Century world through 1st Century eyes. Isn’t it better to look at the 21st Century…
The clergy know, but the faithful don’t want to hear it!
I’ve had many conversations with churchmen and women and discovered that many of them continue to teach the same old things about the Bible without really believing it themselves. They dare not say, though, so for fear of confusing their congregations and losing their employment. One Anglican vicar told me that, like all trainee clergy,…
The Real Secret
The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is simply stated as ‘whatever we focus our minds upon we attract into our lives.’ It has become popular – dare I say fashionable – as a result of a best-selling book, CD set and DVD called ‘The Secret’. But it’s nothing new. King Solomon, the Buddha…
The Fourth Principle of Relationships
The fourth principle is: Recognise that it is impossible to fake an interest in others The most popular people are usually those who are genuinely interested in others. This cannot be faked because you project your thoughts and feelings to others in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways. If you’re pretending, others know. Your facial expression,…
Humans are emotional creatures
We kid ourselves that we are intelligent, rational beings, but we’re not. Most humans are more inclined to act emotionally than ‘logically’, and emotions can ruin our ability to think clearly. Mastery of the emotions, especially the ability to stay calm under pressure and bounce back after defeat, is the key to success in many…
What motivates you?
Motivation is what gives us a reason for action. For instance, when we are hungry, we are moved to find food. (Physical deprivation produces powerful motivation.) Well motivated people have more enthusiasm, more energy and are less likely to give up. And they get more done. Early experiments on animals concluded that we are motivated…
How to access your Inner Power
You have a wonderful power within you. Consider the moment of your birth. At the instant your umbilical cord was cut, you became a separate human being, full of possibilities, charged with spiritual energy. You had within you the seeds of everything you needed to build a happy and fulfilling life. All you needed was…