Tag: coaching
Mindfulness is paying attention to what you are doing and being aware of your thoughts and feelings right now. When you practise mindfulness, everyday activities become more meaningful and enjoyable – even eating a chocolate is more pleasurable when you give it your full attention. In his book, ‘Zen and the Art of Archery,’ Eugen…
Meditate and be mindful and all else will follow
Would you like to be able to withdraw from daily hustle and bustle whenever you choose and return feeling calm, centred and in tune with the universal flow? It’s perfectly possible. Millions do it every day through meditation. Meditation used to be regarded with suspicion in the West, but nowadays people from all walks of…
Heaven and hell: an ancient story
Some religions teach that heaven and hell are places where we go after death, but spiritual awareness reveals that this is not so: they are states of consciousness. We create them by the way we think and act. When we align our thoughts with the highest ideas, we feel good. The body is flooded with…
Do you know what makes you happy?
Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we? We chase after money and status, seeking happiness by pandering to the senses. We think these will do the trick, but if we knew what really makes us happy, we would crave little. Take responsibility for your happiness We gain a wonderful…
The Creative Power of Thought
Thoughts are powerful things. They have impact. They lead to actions, which bring results. They are the building blocks of our lives. We literally create our experiences by the activity of thinking. We can take control of ourselves in any situation because we, and we alone, control our thoughts. They determine what we become, what…
The traveller and the monk – an ancient tale
One day a traveller was walking along a road. As he walked he noticed a monk working in the fields beside the road. The traveller turned to the monk and asked, ‘Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?’ ‘Not at all,’ replied the monk. ‘I am travelling from the village in…
The Power of Beliefs
Beliefs are collections of thoughts, or ideas which we hold to be true. All beliefs are learned, mostly in childhood. Most of our beliefs come from our elders. Nothing we believe (as opposed to know) is ever certain. Millions have died for beliefs that most of us no longer accept, for example: People were once…
The Higher and Lower Selves
Our inner experience often feels like a tug of war as various streams of thought battle for attention. Some thoughts come from the needs of the body and emotions. They make up the part of the mind referred to as the ego or ‘Lower Self’. In contrast, we also have thoughts which come from the…
The Eighth Principle of Relationships
The eighth principle is: Work on yourself. Become a better person, and all your relationships will improve. The place to start if you want to improve your relationships is with yourself – improving your confidence and self-image, challenging harmful beliefs and learning new listening and communication skills. Cultivate an open, positive attitude to all your…