Tag: Death
Life and Death
Death is the last taboo – nothing concentrates the mind quite so much. We cannot have lasting peace of mind until we have come to terms with it. Who has not at some time wondered what, if anything, happens after death? The truth is, we can never be sure. But our attitude to death impacts…
Do you believe the personality survives death?
Many do, all over the world and across many cultures. They believe that the personality lives on after the life force has left the body. Dying, they say, is like taking off a cloak; we just step out of it like a snake sheds its skin. In a famous letter written in 1854, the Native…
Death – the last taboo?
Death is the last taboo – nothing concentrates the mind quite so much. We cannot have lasting peace of mind until we have come to terms with it. Who has not at some time wondered what, if anything, happens after death? The truth is, we can never be sure. But our attitude to death impacts…
And Finally…
‘There is no death, only a change of worlds.’ Chief Seattle You can only have real peace of mind when you come to terms with the last great taboo – death. Only then can you be fully in tune with life. What happens when we die? Does life continue beyond the grave? Is the quality…