Tag: Forgiveness

  • Forgiveness

    I’m often struck by the spectacle of people who’ve just suffered some tragedy – like a close relative being murdered – being placed in front of the TV cameras and being asked one of the most stupid of stupid questions – how do you feel? Soon after the event, they’re usually too shocked to say…

  • 5 reasons to forgive

    Practise forgiveness Judging, blaming, bearing grudges and forgiveness are closely related. Before you need to forgive you must have judged, blamed and felt a measure of fear. Otherwise there would be nothing to forgive. It is not for you to decide whether the recipient deserves to be forgiven is not. Forgiveness is not about condoning…

  • Love your enemies

    A great teacher taught that we should love our enemies and bless those who persecute us. What did he mean by this? Problems with others usually occur because our own thinking is in error. With no enmity in our thinking, we have no enemies! That’s why Abraham Lincoln observed, ‘Am I not destroying my enemies…

  • Self-esteem is happiness and success

    Self-esteem is happiness, success and a whole lot besides. It governs your behaviour in every area of your life and without it you’ll almost certainly underachieve. Self-esteem is the experience of feeling that you’re worthy of happiness and capable dealing with life. It’s a combination of self-confidence (beliefs about your capabilities) and self-respect (beliefs about…

  • A Great Teaching of the Master: Non-resistance

    Non-resistance is one of the greatest teachings of the Master Yeshua. It is not unique to him – all the great religions teach the same. It is closely related to forgiveness. According to the Sec0nd Gospel (‘Matthew’), Yeshua said ‘You have heard it said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’…