Tag: G_d
Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge?
What can we say about the Christian G_d that is taught in schools, worshipped in churches and referred to in religious broadcasts every day of the week? Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge? It (if you are uncomfortable calling G_d ‘it’, I suggest you…
Is G_d an information field?
Before Einstein, the world was thought to be a collection of atoms and molecules behaving according to certain inviolable ‘laws’. Space was exactly that – empty space, nothing there. Now we know that matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration and even space is not really empty: it is an inexhaustible potential that…
There’s no such thing as evil
If there is only one power working in the universe – as Christians, Jews and Moslems believe – and that power is good, then surely evil has no inherent substance! Of course there are all manner of undesirable things appear in the world, but these do not create themselves and nor do they define themselves.…