Tag: happiness

  • Happiness

    We all want to be happy, but what is happiness? And what makes us happy? How happy are you? Give yourself a mark out of ten, where ten means blissfully happy in every way, and zero means totally miserable all the time. Most people exist somewhere between 5-8, not totally happy but not miserable enough…

  • Let go of envy

    Let go of envy.  Envy does untold harm to physical and mental well-being. When you envy what someone else has (or appears to have), you establish poverty thinking patterns in your consciousness. You divert your attention away from factors under your control (your thoughts, words and actions) to those beyond your control (what others do,…

  • Is it unspiritual to be poor?

    Some religious people and theologians believe that it is unspiritual to be poor. They argue that poor people are unaware of the spiritual principles by which our wants and needs are satisfied. Wealth, they say, is a cosmic ‘thank you’ for our contribution to the world. If we have plenty, it’s because we give plenty.…

  • Everything material is impermanent

    Every material thing you have will one day cease to exist in its present form. Even your body will return to the dust from which it was made. The consequence is clear: if you chase after possessions, hoard them and rely on them for security, you make yourself a slave to things that inexorably deteriorate.…

  • The Joy of Simplicity

    ‘There’s only one reason why you’re not experiencing bliss at this present moment and it’s because you’re thinking or focussing on what you don’t have.’ Anthony de Mello There’s a paradox in matters of prosperity and spirituality. We live in an abundant universe and yet most of the great spiritual teachers were exponents of the…

  • Get into the Light

    ‘There is a Power that will light your way to health, happiness, peace and success, if you will but turn toward that light.’ Paramahansa Yogananda Light is often used as a metaphor for the  sacred, and this is more than an abstract idea. In many ways Universal/Creative Intelligence is like the sun, constantly emitting energy…

  • Death – the last taboo?

    Death is the last taboo – nothing concentrates the mind quite so much. We cannot have lasting peace of mind until we have come to terms with it. Who has not at some time wondered what, if anything, happens after death? The truth is, we can never be sure. But our attitude to death impacts…

  • Faith is not just for the religious

    Faith is trust in an idea even when there’s no logical proof. It is often believed to be misguided because it does not depend on sensory evidence. However, faith has accomplished wonders and continues to do so. Without it, no-one would ever take a risk or try anything original. To have faith that we can…

  • Give up approval-seeking behaviour

    It’s perfectly natural to want to be liked and accepted, but it becomes a problem if you constantly edit yourself to win others’ approval. Approval-seeking behaviour has some short-term benefits (e.g. it can help avoid arguments), but has long-term consequences. You are unlikely to feel good about yourself if you continually pander to others. Concern…

  • Self-love

    Is it wrong to love yourself?  Some people think so. They think of people who love themselves as being rather unpleasant,  selfish and conceited. But loving yourself is not the same as being in love with yourself. This is usually a form of bravado indulged in by individuals who think too little of themselves and…