Tag: happiness
Plug Into the Power of Patience and Persistence
‘Thousands of people have talent. I might as well congratulate you for having eyes in your head. The one and only thing that counts is, do you have staying power?’ Noel Coward Whatever your talents, interests and ambitions, there is no substitute for the twin qualities of patience and persistence. History is awash with people…
A Spiritual Take on Prosperity
We live in a money-obsessed world. In his autobiography Nelson Mandela recalls some advice he received from a wealthy businessman when he was training to be a lawyer. ‘Look out there, Nelson,’ he said. ‘Do you see those men and women scurrying up and down the street? What is it they are working for so…
How to find your life’s purpose
You are a unique gift to the world, so how are you going to make this gift as valuable as it can be? Start by clarifying your life purpose. What’s your vision of the world and your part in it? What’s the Big Idea in your life, the theme that holds it all together? We…
Napolean Hill’s 12 Things That Make People Rich
I’m a huge admirer of Dr Napolean Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude’ and other titles in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. The principles he identified are as relevant today as ever. Every great achiever has applied them, consciously or unconsciously, in many areas of activity, not…
Intimate relationships
Intimate relationships Most people cherish a close, loving relationship with another person. You may think these ‘just happen’, when you meet the right person, but this is rare. Intimate relationships have to be worked at. Why? because they’re a minefield! There’s so much that can go wrong, and when they do it’s not just the…
Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we?
I spotted a competition in a newspaper recently. ‘Change your life forever!’ it announced in huge letters. ‘Win a new home, a car, a dream holiday, £20,000 a year for life to help you maintain your new, luxurious lifestyle, and enjoy VIP treatment from celebrity experts.’ Well, obviously if you won this handsome prize your…
Positive Attitudes
‘The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, then what other people think, say or do. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice…
Positive Mind, Positive Questions
The way you talk to yourself is crucial. It influences your state of mind, your mood and your behaviour, and therefore the circumstances of your life. Frequently your self-talk – the ongoing conversation in your head – sounds like a series of questions since we habitually interrogate ourselves: ‘What should I do next?’ ‘How should…
What You Must Do To Succeed
The tools for transforming your life are: I – Intention T – Thought. I – Imagination. A – Action. Intention sets your course; thinking and imagination bring your mind into line with your ambitions; and action makes your goals reality. The points below are in no particular order of priority – they’re all important. Keep…