Tag: health

  • Traditionally, healing substances have come from nature

    Humans have always ingested substances for healing and good health. Some of these improve the digestion process, such as prunes and high fibre products. But there are others too. Many foods have healing properties, e.g. honey and lemon for colds, garlic as an antiseptic, an apple a day…. Then there are herbs, valued for their…

  • Consciousness and Healing (1)

    There’s an old Eastern story about a group of scientists who set out to climb the Mountain of Truth, where all knowledge is revealed. They scramble to the top of a steep slope, only to see another peak beyond that. They climb the next, only to see yet another even higher. They climb that and……

  • Napolean Hill’s 12 Things That Make People Rich

    I’m a huge admirer of Dr Napolean Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude’ and other titles in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. The principles he identified are as relevant today as ever. Every great achiever has applied them, consciously or unconsciously, in many areas of activity, not…

  • Vaccinations and the Pox Puss Man

    Today viruses and bacteria are held responsible for many illnesses, despite the evidence that they are not always harmful and other factors are at play. Not every disease has its microbes, and not every microbe causes disease. Of course the bio-chemical industry likes to portray the environment as swarming with deadly bacteria and viruses out…

  • Antibiotics are flooding our planet with superbugs!

    ‘It is folly to attempt to escape disease by attempting to destroy or escape germs.’ Dr H M Shelton (1885-1985) Viruses and bacteria are held responsible for most of the world’s health problems. After all, microbes are deadly, aren’t they? Is it not scientifically proven that every disease has its microbes? The germ theory of…

  • Swine Flu: ‘One of greatest medical scandals of the century’

    A few years ago the world went into panic over a new strain of influenza labelled Swine Flu. We were told that it could wipe out millions of people, that older people were at great risk and so were our children. In the UK alone, the Chief Medical Officer predicted 65,000 deaths. In response, government…

  • Health is Wholeness

    Health means wholeness in every aspect of our being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The terms ‘health’, ‘to heal’ and ‘holy’ all come from ancient words meaning ‘whole’. Health is a spiritual condition. It has its origins in the invisible energy field from which atoms are formed, and is influenced by our thinking. Good…

  • Plumbers and Mechanics

    We’ve always known that there’s close connection between the body and the mind. It’s widely recognised, for instance, that people going through tough times get stressed and suffer stomach upsets, headaches, tiredness and so on, and besides how else do we wiggle our fingers or flex our toes? In the Oriental tradition, mind and body…

  • Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we?

    I spotted a competition in a newspaper recently. ‘Change your life forever!’ it announced in huge letters. ‘Win a new home, a car, a dream holiday, £20,000 a year for life to help you maintain your new, luxurious lifestyle, and enjoy VIP treatment from celebrity experts.’ Well, obviously if you won this handsome prize your…

  • Our natural immunity

    Our natural immunity: How the body gets rid of unwelcome intruders Science is not entirely clear why some people are prone to serious illness while others carry the same bacteria but have no ill effect. But it must have something to do with each individual’s natural defences against unwanted organisms and toxins – that is,…