Tag: intention
The I-T-I-A Formula
I-T-I-A stands for: Intention Thought Imagination Action The I-T-I-A Formula takes into account everything known about how mind processes information and brings about change. But you must do all four; otherwise the effects won’t be permanent. Intention Personal change starts with a decision – to learn a new skill, to develop a new personal quality…
Building Self-Confidence in Practice
In-I-T-I-A-te change! When you apply the I-T-I-A Formula – Self-awareness +Intention +Thinking +Imagination +Action – to confidence building, the shift in consciousness is not necessarily dramatic, more like a gradual awakening. Over time, you cast off your negative conditioning and adopt more empowering beliefs. Then feelings and actions change too. It’s like climbing a ladder;…
Exercise – Luxury, Pleasure, Necessity?
Oscar Wilde once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise he would lie down and rest until it went away. Shame! This is a certain recipe for physical ill health, stress and mental deterioration. However, the amount and type of exercise needed to stay healthy are well within the grasp of most people.…
I’m often struck by the spectacle of people who’ve just suffered some tragedy – like a close relative being murdered – being placed in front of the TV cameras and being asked one of the most stupid of stupid questions – how do you feel? Soon after the event, they’re usually too shocked to say…
The greatest mind-body healer?
The greatest mind-body healer of recent times was a diminutive and rather brusque character who lived in New England in the first half of the nineteenth century. His name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. He deserves to be much better known. Having cured himself of tuberculosis, considered impossible in those days, he developed a healing method…
We all want to be happy, but what is happiness? And what makes us happy? How happy are you? Give yourself a mark out of ten, where ten means blissfully happy in every way, and zero means totally miserable all the time. Most people exist somewhere between 5-8, not totally happy but not miserable enough…
Raise your sights to a higher way of being
One of the visitor attractions in the holiday town where I live is a balloon tethered to a 500 metre cable. Patrons enjoy a stunning panorama which extends for over twenty miles. Imagine a balloon flight: the higher you rise, the further you see. Features on the ground, including all the things you fret and…
Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind
Your self-esteem is a set of thoughts which manifest in attitudes, emotions and behaviours. If it needs a makeover, apply the I-T-I-A Formula. Remember: all four parts are necessary to effect permanent change. Intention: Decide right now that you’ll treat yourself with love and respect, and accept only what is right for you. Thinking: Monitor…
Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind
Your self-image is a set of thoughts and mental images which manifest in attitudes, emotions and behaviours. If it needs a makeover, apply the I-T-I-A Formula. Remember: all four parts are necessary to effect permanent change. Intention: Decide right now that you’ll treat yourself with love and respect, and accept only what is right for…
In-ITIA-te Prosperity
Eric Fromm wrote that many people spend their lives never achieving what they want because they have it the wrong way round. They try to: Have money and things so they can Do what they want, so they can Be happy. Instead, Fromm wrote, first you need to: Be, then you can Do, so you…