Tag: life coaching

  • The Voice

    WRITER INTERVIEW IN THE VOICE MAGAZINE, DECEMBER 2015 Adam Dickson puts some questions to author David Lawrence Preston How did you start out as a writer? I started by writing papers for academic journals. I had several dozen published. One was a case study on Aldi in 1990 (before they came to the UK) that…

  • The Power of Suggestion

    Suggestions have a big influence over our lives. Tell anyone something convincingly enough and they’ll accept what you say. Tell them over and over again and sooner or later they’ll start to believe you. Unfortunately it’s often the suggestions of others that we allow to control us. For instance: Advertisers use them to persuade us…

  • Adventure before dementia

    Saw a sign on the back of a camper van today. It read ‘adventure before dementia.’ It made me think. I know people who have played it safe, stuck to the same profession for forty years and even worked in the same building for several decades. Some of them are retired now and living very…

  • Why not ask for what you want?

    You’d be amazed how many opportunities open up when you ask for what you want. Often, asking is all we have to do, but many of us don’t bother. Why don’t more people ask for what they want more often? There are six main reasons: Six reasons why people don’t ask for what they want…

  • Managing your money – ten golden rules

    Know where you stand Be aware of your financial position. How much do you have? If you owe money, how much do you owe? If you’re in trouble, acknowledge it. Acceptance of your situation doesn’t necessarily mean liking it, but it does put you in the right frame of mind to do something about it.…