Tag: science
What holds it all together?
Scientists tell us that matter is made from atoms and atoms come from waves and particles – but that the particles that make up the atoms don’t really exist! What, then, holds it all together? According to Max Planck (1885-1947), the theoretical physicist who originated Quantum Theory and who won a Nobel Prize for his…
One Source of Everything?
Today, many scientists believe that we cannot dismiss the notion that there is but one source of everything. For example, in December 2004, a professor of astrophysics from Cambridge University, a man who has spent a lifetime studying the origins of the universe, made this astonishing statement on television: ‘We cannot discount the possibility that…
All the works of nature indicate intelligence
Human beings have always sensed a power greater than themselves. In ancient times they believed there was a god or gods ‘up there’ looking down on them and a place below ground where they went after death. Because they didn’t understand very much about the natural world, they reasoned it was under the control of…
Is G_d an information field?
Before Einstein, the world was thought to be a collection of atoms and molecules behaving according to certain inviolable ‘laws’. Space was exactly that – empty space, nothing there. Now we know that matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration and even space is not really empty: it is an inexhaustible potential that…
What Spiritual Healers Believe
What do spiritual healers believe about their healing activities? There are several common threads: It is not they who do the work, they are just a channel for a Higher Power that some call God, some ‘The Universe’ and some attribute to disincarnate spirits. We simply experience the healing, either a recipient or facilitator. The…