All the works of nature indicate intelligence

Human beings have always sensed a power greater than themselves. In ancient times they believed there was a god or gods ‘up there’ looking down on them and a place below ground where they went after death. Because they didn’t understand very much about the natural world, they reasoned it was under the control of these gods.

If the gods were happy, they showed it by arranging bumper harvests and victory over their enemies. If they were unhappy, all manner of hardships and disasters befell their mortal subjects.

When it was shown that the earth is a globe spinning around the sun, the religious authorities felt threatened. They condemned the scientists and astronomers and banned publication of their work. In time, the Middle Ages gave way to the Age of Reason. Scientists showed that the material world behaved according to proven ‘laws’ which could not be reconciled with miracles, heaven, hell and divine retribution.

In the twentieth century, men flew to the moon, bringing back photographs of the small blue sphere we call home. They looked beneath the ground and found nothing other than rocks and a molten core. There was no sign of gods living above the clouds or the walking dead below ground. ‘Proof,’ said the scientists. ‘There is no god. We’ve been sold a lie.’

Or have we? Is there an intelligence underpinning everything? Not a person, but an energy or field? Good question! And one to which science, if the form of quantum physics, thinks it has an answer. When you slow everything down to absolute zero, all motion ceases and all you are left with is information – pure consciousness, intelligence, non-physical. Now there’s a thought!

©David Lawrence Preston, 28.12.17

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