Tag: spirituality

  • A Miracle of Creation

    When you were a child, did anyone tell you that you were a miracle of creation, made of the same stuff as the stars, and that everything in the universe plays its part in supporting you? I thought not. If you were schooled in certain religions, you were more likely to be told that you…

  • The eternal now

    Live in the eternal now Being fully in the moment is one of the great secrets of high consciousness living. It’s an attitude of mind which changes how we feel and also changes behaviour. The present moment is the only moment we have. You cannot think, speak, act or at feel any time but now.…

  • Non-attachment

    Happiness comes from participating in the world and enjoying its benefits, but not being attached to them. One of the happiest people I ever met was a teacher who travelled all over the globe. She was a wheelchair user, barely able to walk without crutches. I asked her for the secret of happiness. ‘If you…

  • Spontaneous acts of kindness

    I recently witnessed a heartwarming incident in my local supermarket. An elderly lady didn’t have enough money to pay for her groceries and was trying to decide which goods to leave behind. A man in the queue behind her then pulled out his wallet and paid the difference. Perhaps it was only a small amount…

  • Spirituality in action

    Spiritual awareness is not an escape from the world, a burying of one’s head in the sand. It’s about engagement in the world from a different perspective, making life more satisfying and productive. Firstly, we go about our activities with mindfulness and a positive attitude. Secondly, we become proactive. We don’t sit around waiting for…

  • Knowing is not enough: spirituality must be lived

    Spiritual awareness is not just about explaining the nature of reality and our place in it – its main value is in knowing how to live. Higher consciousness must be wanted, thought about, dreamed of and believed in. Then it must be lived. Once we realise that everything we need lies within us, we set…

  • Synchronicity

    Synchronicity explains what happens when two or more favorable events come together apparently by coincidence. But is there such a thing as a coincidence? In the grand scheme of things, no. Everything is designed to help us to grow and everyone knows deep down what they need to learn. Synchronicity occurs when two or more…

  • Intuitive problem solving

    Our innate intuition can be used for solving intractable problems. Relax, Simply ask your Superconscious a question and believe you’ll be given the right answer. You’ll know, because you’ll feel it throughout your body. The best questions are those which presuppose a favourable outcome, such as: What’s the best solution to this problem? What can…

  • Inspiration

    We receive inspiration from two main sources. The first is from within. It consists of creative thinking, remembering and ‘body intelligence’. For example, skilled mechanics know straight away why an engine won’t start and professional musicians can tune in to a piece of music and play along without necessarily rehearsing. In both cases the memory…

  • Intuition = ‘inner tuition’

    Intuition is the sixth sense. It is the ability to come to correct conclusions from limited data, without resorting to memory, analysis or deductive logic. It is part of everyday life  and definitely not a special ability restricted to a few. Humans are not the only creatures to have a sixth sense. Animals have it…