Tag: thought
The I-T-I-A Formula
I-T-I-A stands for: Intention Thought Imagination Action The I-T-I-A Formula takes into account everything known about how mind processes information and brings about change. But you must do all four; otherwise the effects won’t be permanent. Intention Personal change starts with a decision – to learn a new skill, to develop a new personal quality…
Anxiety is distress prompted by abnormal worry or apprehension. It is usually accompani9ed by a feeling of loss of control. Most of us experience it from time to time, but if allowed to get out of hand, the body becomes highly sensitised, with physical effects including headaches, ulcers, muscle tension and lack of energy. Many…
F.M.Alexander – the orator with no voice
Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) was an Australian actor who had made a good living from poetry recitals in the 1890s until he encountered a career-threatening problem: he developed breathing problems and chronic laryngitis, and lost his voice! He went from doctor to doctor, but none could find any physical cause nor any cure. Since no-one…
What are you?
What are you? When you think, exactly who or what is doing the thinking? When you stare into a mirror, who is doing the looking? There’s a story of a young philosophy student who went to see his professor. ‘Please help me,’ he pleaded. ‘There’s a question that’s been eating me alive. I can’t sleep…
The Law of Attraction is not what it seems
The two great principles that are said to determine what we make of our lives are the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction. Some people have always known their significance, and now this knowledge is becoming known to many more. As the Buddha said, ‘All that we are arises with our…
The greatest mind-body healer?
The greatest mind-body healer of recent times was a diminutive and rather brusque character who lived in New England in the first half of the nineteenth century. His name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. He deserves to be much better known. Having cured himself of tuberculosis, considered impossible in those days, he developed a healing method…
Illness, Health and Self-Awareness
Scientific research increasingly shows that negative thoughts and emotions can make us ill and positive thoughts and emotions help to keep us well. Happy, contented, emotionally well-adjusted and optimistic people have more energy and get ill less often. They also live longer. How, then, can we use these insights to heal our bodies and stay…
Toxic thoughts and emotions create illness
We’ve always known that there’s a close connection between the body and the mind. We’ve all experienced it. That’s why more and more sufferers of chronic physical conditions are referred for counselling, and why, in the UK at least, the ‘talking therapies’ are over subscribed. Some experts predict that they’ll soon be able to identify…
Raise your sights to a higher way of being
One of the visitor attractions in the holiday town where I live is a balloon tethered to a 500 metre cable. Patrons enjoy a stunning panorama which extends for over twenty miles. Imagine a balloon flight: the higher you rise, the further you see. Features on the ground, including all the things you fret and…