Category: God
A life force flowing through us
In surveys, when people are asked if they believe in a Higher Power, many say they do, but when asked what they mean by this, they can’t say. Perhaps there’s a scientific explanation. Anyone who watches a flower bloom, holds a new-born baby, gazes at the night sky or contemplates the ocean senses a life…
Archbishop Bemoans the Absence of God
Following recent announcements by the Pope that seem to overturn the Catholic Church’s longstanding teachings on women priests, the literal truth of the Bible and homosexuality, the Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the Anglican Church, has weighed in with an interesting comment of his own: the recent terrorist attacks on Paris made him doubt the…
Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge?
What can we say about the Christian G_d that is taught in schools, worshipped in churches and referred to in religious broadcasts every day of the week? Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge? It (if you are uncomfortable calling G_d ‘it’, I suggest you…
What G_d is like?
If there were a G_d or G_d-like life force what would it be like? Not this, for sure! In my opinion, it would have all of the following characteristics: Bountiful and giving A loving G_d would surely know what we need and be willing and able to supply all our needs. For everybody, not just…
Is there one source of everything?
Is there a creative intelligence that is the source of everything? What is this energy that created you from a handful of cells and grew you into a fully formed human being? What governs the cycles of life? Cycles such as those by which water becomes steam, which becomes clouds, which condense and fall as…