Category: Healing
Why Big Pharma is unsustainable
The conventional view, upon which modern medicine is based, is that the body is a collection of dumb atoms which somehow come together to form molecules (chemicals) which combine to form living cells. Cells gather together to make a body which is governed by genes, nerves and hormones. When we are ill, the body’s biochemistry…
F.M.Alexander – the orator with no voice
Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) was an Australian actor who had made a good living from poetry recitals in the 1890s until he encountered a career-threatening problem: he developed breathing problems and chronic laryngitis, and lost his voice! He went from doctor to doctor, but none could find any physical cause nor any cure. Since no-one…
The Secrets of Healing
The secrets of healing have long been known but it’s taken science a long time to catch up. There’s an old story about a group of eminent scientists climbing the mountain of knowledge. They scramble up to the top of a steep slope, only to see an even higher peak in the distance. They climb…
Natural healing
Natural healing is not always a quick fix. It may involve radical change to your lifestyle and habits which take weeks or months to pay off. But good habits of eating well, drinking clean, fresh fluids, breathing pure oxygen, plenty of rest, outdoor exercise and fulfilling work, a positive attitude and connecting to healthy Earth…
Informational Medicine
Cutting edge science is demonstrating that information, not energy alone, is the key to health and healing. It takes intelligence to make a body; intelligence instructs the atoms and cells that create the body. Give the body new information to work with and it has the restore a sick body to full health. The body…
What Spiritual Healers Believe
What do spiritual healers believe about their healing activities? There are several common threads: It is not they who do the work, they are just a channel for a Higher Power that some call God, some ‘The Universe’ and some attribute to disincarnate spirits. We simply experience the healing, either a recipient or facilitator. The…
Three great spiritual healers
Spiritual healing is, of course, ‘humbug’ to the mainstream medical fraternity. I know of only one qualified doctor who entertains the possibility, and he quit practising mainstream medicine over a decade ago. Spiritual healing covers a wide range of methods, but is most closely associated in the public consciousness with the laying on of hands.…
Legacy: Quimby, the Silent Healer
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) was one of the greatest healers ever but nowadays is hardly known. The healings he carried out in New England in the mid-19th Century were little short of miraculous, although he considered them to have a sound scientific basis. Perhaps surprisingly, since so few people have heard of him, his methods…
Quimby: The Silent Healer
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby was born on February 16, 1802. He was one of seven children brought up in a modest family background. When he was still a toddler, the family moved to Belfast, Maine, where he spent most of his life. As a boy, he became interested in the sciences, but had no formal tuition…
Usui Reiki
Dr Mikao Usui was born in the small village of Yago, Southern Japan, in 1865 into a prosperous family. A keen and talented student, he travelled widely, including to Europe and China, and studied history, medicine, psychology and the Taoist, Buddhist and Christian scriptures. In young manhood, be became a successful businessman. But in his…