Category: Mind-body connection

  • Toxic thoughts and emotions create illness

    We’ve always known that there’s a close connection between the body and the mind. We’ve all experienced it. That’s why more and more sufferers of chronic physical conditions are referred for counselling, and why, in the UK at least, the ‘talking therapies’ are over subscribed. Some experts predict that they’ll soon be able to identify…

  • Psycho-neuro immunology

    We’ve always known that there’s a connection between the body and the mind – if indeed they are separate at all. But for hundreds of years Western medicine ignored – even denied – this connection. But since the 1980s all this has changed thanks to the relatively new science of Psycho-Neuro Immunology or PNI. The…

  • The Mind-Body Connection

    We’ve always known that there’s a connection between the body and the mind – if indeed they are separate at all. For instance, anxious feelings can give rise to headaches, loss of appetite and an upset stomach – we’ve all experienced it. Sad thoughts bring on tiredness and lethargy, anger energizes, fear brings tension and…

  • Health and Beliefs

    No serious medical practitioner can now deny that mind and body are one. In the 1980s scientists such as Dr Candace Pert proved that thoughts travel along the nerves to the muscles, organs and tissues, influencing the process by which cells are renewed and that meanwhile, cells continually send messages to the brain. The mind…

  • Health is Wholeness

    What does health mean? It means wholeness in every aspect of our being. The terms ‘health’, ‘heal’ and ‘holy’ all come from ancient words meaning ‘whole’. Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which the atoms of the body are formed. It is a by-product of good habits, physical and mental,…

  • The Mind-Body Connection

    We’ve always known that there’s a connection between the body and the mind, but for several centuries doctors in the West regarded it as relatively unimportant. The emphasis was on fixing bodies, rather like a mechanic fixing a car. If a part wasn’t working, mend it. If that didn’t work, replace it. The body was…

  • Who do you think you are?

    There’s a story of an anxious philosophy student who goes to see his professor. ‘Please Sir,’ he asks, ‘I’ve got a question that’s eating me alive. I must find the answer. Do I exist?’ The professor turns to him with a withering look and replies, ‘Who wants to know?’ The yearning to discover our true…

  • Consciousness and Healing (2)

    In a previous blog, I observed that the discovery long ago that we could heal ourselves was a great step forward in human evolution, and the healing methods used at each stage of our advancement are a direct result of the consciousness which prevailed at the time. Healing consciousness is about how we experience healing;…

  • What are we?

    One morning I knocked on my son’s bedroom door. ‘Are you up?’ I asked. I heard a groan and then a voice answered. ‘My body’s up, but I’m not!’ Later that day, I turned on the TV.  A reporter was interviewing a woman with piercings all over her body. ‘Why did you do it?’ asked…

  • Your Body Speaks Your Mind?

    I recently came across a book by a Belgian mystic, Christiane Berlandt. Entitled, ‘The Key to Self-Liberation,’ it promises to reveal the symbolism of the main organs (heart, lungs etc.) and other parts of the body (e.g. fingers, chin), plus the psychological origin of a thousand diseases. First published (by the author herself) in 1993,…