Category: Spirituality
Get into the Light
‘There is a Power that will light your way to health, happiness, peace and success, if you will but turn toward that light.’ Paramahansa Yogananda Light is often used as a metaphor for the sacred, and this is more than an abstract idea. In many ways Universal/Creative Intelligence is like the sun, constantly emitting energy…
A human being having spiritual experiences?
The biggest leap in self-esteem takes place when you stop thinking of yourself merely as a body with a brain and instead see yourself as spiritual being in human form. This is not some fanciful New Age idea – it is rooted in quantum science, which tells us that everything that appears solid and material…
Spirituality in action
Spiritual awareness is not an escape from the world, a burying of one’s head in the sand. It’s about engagement in the world from a different perspective, making life more satisfying and productive. Firstly, we go about our activities with mindfulness and a positive attitude. Secondly, we become proactive. We don’t sit around waiting for…
Knowing is not enough: spirituality must be lived
Spiritual awareness is not just about explaining the nature of reality and our place in it – its main value is in knowing how to live. Higher consciousness must be wanted, thought about, dreamed of and believed in. Then it must be lived. Once we realise that everything we need lies within us, we set…
Prosperity is a spiritual state
Economists think of prosperity as money in the bank and how much we consume, but this is not the full picture. Why? Because it is not necessarily those with the most money who feel the most prosperous! We can own lots of things and feel poor; we can own little and feel blessed. It’s hard…
The Troublesome Ego
Is a powerful ego a good thing? Or does it just describe someone who thinks too much of themselves? Ego is Latin for ‘I’. It is the self as a thinking, feeling and self-determining being, distinguished from the selves of others. Fair enough, but in everyday use, it is often considered rather distasteful. When we…
What does it mean to be ‘spiritual’
Spiritual means non-physical. Appearances are not our essence. We’re paradoxes – we live in visible, touchable mortal bodies and are at the same time non-physical. Something we can’t smell, taste, touch, hear or see brings life to our bodies. This is consciousness the only part of us that is real and unchanging. Most science fiction…
Who do you think you are?
There’s a story of an anxious philosophy student who goes to see his professor. ‘Please Sir,’ he asks, ‘I’ve got a question that’s eating me alive. I must find the answer. Do I exist?’ The professor turns to him with a withering look and replies, ‘Who wants to know?’ The yearning to discover our true…
What do we mean by ‘Spiritual Beings’?
It is often said that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience. What does this mean, and does it have any relevance for people not of a religious persuasion? Or does this religious language obscure the truth behind this statement? There is a part of us…