Tag: confidence

  • Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind

    Your self-image is a set of thoughts and mental images which manifest in attitudes, emotions and behaviours. If it needs a makeover, apply the I-T-I-A Formula. Remember: all four parts are necessary to effect permanent change. Intention: Decide right now that you’ll treat yourself with love and respect, and accept only what is right for…

  • A Miracle of Creation

    When you were a child, did anyone tell you that you were a miracle of creation, made of the same stuff as the stars, and that everything in the universe plays its part in supporting you? I thought not. If you were schooled in certain religions, you were more likely to be told that you…

  • Live your truth and don’t be a DOPE!

    Others love you the most when you live your truth. You’re on your own path, chosen and shaped by your situation, your environment, talents, skills, attitudes, aptitudes and interests. Others have theirs which determine the path they take. Comparing your path with someone else’s is pointless, like comparing apples with oranges; both are fruits, but…

  • How to Become A Positive Thinker

    How you think matters. There is a direct connection between what you think and what you say and do, and what you get out of life. As long as you keep thinking as you’ve been thinking, you’ll keep feeling as you’ve been feeling, doing as you’ve been doing, and getting what you’ve been getting. So…

  • The Troublesome Ego

    Is a powerful ego a good thing? Or does it just describe someone who thinks too much of themselves? Ego is Latin for ‘I’. It is the self as a thinking, feeling and self-determining being, distinguished from the selves of others. Fair enough, but in everyday use, it is often considered rather distasteful. When we…

  • The Eighth Principle of Relationships

    The eighth principle is: Work on yourself. Become a better person, and all your relationships will improve. The place to start if you want to improve your relationships is with yourself – improving your confidence and self-image, challenging harmful beliefs and learning new listening and communication skills. Cultivate an open, positive attitude to all your…

  • The Sixth Principle of Relationships

    The sixth principle of relationships is all about communication. Good communication skills are essential. Without them, relationships cannot prosper. For millions of years, humans lived like the animals, sheltering in caves, scratching out a basic existence in the forests and plains. Then we developed language. This made our thinking abilities soar and unleashed the power…

  • The Fifth Principle of Relationships

    The Fifth Principle of Relationships is: Relate to others on an emotional level. Have you ever wondered why some people get on with everybody? It’s usually because they understand that relationships are formed at an emotional level. Sometimes it’s instinctive – but not always. If you have empathy, it’s easier to build friendships and quickly…

  • Three Ways Not to Handle Emotions

    People go to ridiculous lengths to suppress uncomfortable feelings – alcohol, smoking, drugs, gambling, overeating etc. These can work in the short-term, but are they wise? Obviously there is nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional drink and so on, but if these tactics are used to mask or suppress painful emotions, you could be storing…

  • The Second Principle of Relationships

    The Second Principle of relationships is: If you want a relationship to succeed, you must take responsibility for the relationship. The fundamental truth about relationships is this: other people are primarily interested in themselves, not you. They are primarily governed by self-interest (as are you). So the more important you make a person feel, the…