Tag: consciousness
How to spot a fake prophet
Teachers, philosophers and prophets Throughout history, humanity has benefited from the leadership and inspiration of many great teachers. but all too often their followers made a god of the prophet, created a mythology, established dogma, and lost the original message. Once a religion is established, it becomes possible for an elite ‘priesthood’ to control their…
Anatomy of a religion
All religions have certain things in common: They separate ‘us’ from ‘them,’ believers and non-believers, members and non-members. They lay down set beliefs, creeds and rites of practices. Usually they insist that followers subscribe to the whole package. They usually expect followers to contribute financially. An appointed ‘priesthood’ or ‘clergy’ sporting special robes and/or role…
Life and Death
Death is the last taboo – nothing concentrates the mind quite so much. We cannot have lasting peace of mind until we have come to terms with it. Who has not at some time wondered what, if anything, happens after death? The truth is, we can never be sure. But our attitude to death impacts…
Raise your sights to a higher way of being
One of the visitor attractions in the holiday town where I live is a balloon tethered to a 500 metre cable. Patrons enjoy a stunning panorama which extends for over twenty miles. Imagine a balloon flight: the higher you rise, the further you see. Features on the ground, including all the things you fret and…
Attune yourself to Creative Intelligence by taking some quiet time for yourself each day
Creative Intelligence is the invisible energy that governs the universe; the Life-Force which suffuses everything and connects us to each other. It’s not a fanciful idea – it has a firm scientific basis. Mahatma Gandhi described it like this: ‘Whilst everything around me is ever-changing, ever-dying, there is underlying all that changes a living power…
Your Inner Power
Everything you need to build a happy and fulfilling life and become a force for good in the world already lies within you. You may not have been aware of it, but it is there, just as it always was. Look deeper: it may be buried under a mountain of negative thinking, false beliefs and…
Where should we look for the secret of life?
‘We shall not cease from exploration And the end of our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.’ (T.S.Eliot) There’s an old Eastern story: Long ago, four senior gods met to decide where to hide the greatest secret of life. They knew they needed a…
Get into the Light
‘There is a Power that will light your way to health, happiness, peace and success, if you will but turn toward that light.’ Paramahansa Yogananda Light is often used as a metaphor for the sacred, and this is more than an abstract idea. In many ways Universal/Creative Intelligence is like the sun, constantly emitting energy…
Do you believe the personality survives death?
Many do, all over the world and across many cultures. They believe that the personality lives on after the life force has left the body. Dying, they say, is like taking off a cloak; we just step out of it like a snake sheds its skin. In a famous letter written in 1854, the Native…
Death – the last taboo?
Death is the last taboo – nothing concentrates the mind quite so much. We cannot have lasting peace of mind until we have come to terms with it. Who has not at some time wondered what, if anything, happens after death? The truth is, we can never be sure. But our attitude to death impacts…