Tag: consciousness

  • A human being having spiritual experiences?

    The biggest leap in self-esteem takes place when you stop thinking of yourself merely as a body with a brain and instead see yourself as spiritual being in human form. This is not some fanciful New Age idea – it is rooted in quantum science, which tells us that everything that appears solid and material…

  • The eternal now

    Live in the eternal now Being fully in the moment is one of the great secrets of high consciousness living. It’s an attitude of mind which changes how we feel and also changes behaviour. The present moment is the only moment we have. You cannot think, speak, act or at feel any time but now.…

  • The Superconscious

    The human mind has powers far greater than those most of us imagine. That’s because it extends beyond our physical boundaries into the energy field that surrounds us, connecting us with other minds and linking with the information fields that control the universe. Among the amazing capabilities of the mind are its ability to: Seemingly…

  • Non-judgement: not all judgements are bad but some can destroy you!

    Our judgements can be huge stumbling blocks. We live by our judgements, but how do we know they are correct? What right do we have to judge our fellow beings? Can we ever know what is right for anyone else? Here I’m not thinking of everyday judgements like when to overtake, when our food is…

  • Love your enemies

    A great teacher once said, ‘Love your enemies,’  baffling not only his audience but also hundreds of millions ever since. How can it be in our own interests to love our enemies? What did he mean by this? Problems with others usually occur because our own thinking is in error. With no enmity in our…

  • Our Inter-contentedness

    We are connected to each other, not loosely but in countless ways. Apart from the obvious physical and emotional links between people, we share the same Life Force that flows through me and you. We are made of the same ‘stuff’, breathe the same air and drink the same water. The differences between us are…

  • Money Consciousness

    Economists think of prosperity as money in the bank and how much we consume. Perhaps most of us do. But this is not the full picture. Prosperity is much more than this. It is a way of living, being and thinking, not just money and possessions. Even so, it is important to have a healthy…

  • Prosperity is a state of consciousness

    Prosperity is a way of living, being and thinking. It comes from aligning ourselves with Universal Law and turning inner supply into outer riches. To bring what you need from the quantum world of invisible waves and particles into the material world of the five senses, first build the consciousness for what you desire, and…

  • All wealth comes from nature

    To be prosperous means having an abundance of good so we may live a full, satisfying life. What you need to be prosperous already exists in the invisible world of waves and particles. It’s just a question of bringing it into manifestation by working with the resources you have to hand to make it a…

  • Prosperity is a spiritual state

    Economists think of prosperity as money in the bank and how much we consume, but this is not the full picture. Why? Because it is not necessarily those with the most money who feel the most prosperous! We can own lots of things and feel poor; we can own little and feel blessed. It’s hard…