Tag: Feeling good

  • Secrets of a Long Life

    A wise sage once said that it was his intention to die young at a great age! And there are indeed many octogenarians and older who still look good, are active, healthy, trim and have all their mental faculties. Ageing is a fact of life. No-one looks forward to getting old, and some people go…

  • Emotional Healing

    Healing at an emotional level should always be a gentle process of letting go, rather than a battle to ‘beat’ whatever originally ’caused’ the upset or illness. There’s lots of evidence that working through ‘negative’ emotions helps you recover from illness more quickly, and (perhaps even more importantly) reduces the chances of your getting ill…

  • The self-healing process

    Illness is often the gateway to personal development. Along with the pain and suffering of a physical illness comes opportunity to change and to grow. There is a great deal of evidence that many health problems arise primarily from mismanagement. Many illnesses respond more  to better self-management and self-healing than allopathic medicine. If you think…

  • How to meditate

    Meditation is highly beneficial and easily learned. I recommend you start with the method developed by the late Dr Herbert Benson – a leading health researcher – and his colleagues.  It is effective and has no religious associations. First find a quiet place, sit quietly in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Sit in…

  • Peace of Mind

    Peace of mind often seems elusive in this busy world. Nearly everyone agrees it’s an important ‘state of being’. How can we experience it? Is there a formula that could enable us to have it now and for ever more? Some think there is. Many Buddhists, for instance, associate it with a state of total…

  • Bioenergetic Healing – the Scientific Basis

    Last century astonishing developments took place in physics. For instance, Max Planck discovered the quartation of energy, the young Einstein acknowledged the double nature of quanta as wave-particle effects, and Werner Heisenberg challenged the supremacy of cause and effect in the subatomic realms. Nonlocality The 1920’s saw the rise of quantum physics and the first…

  • The Molecules of Emotion

    Anyone who has ever felt sick with worry or cried at the cinema knows that there is a close connection between our thoughts, emotions and bodily state, but only in the last couple of decades has the medical establishment acknowledged this connection and begun to take it seriously. The reason was that scientists could find…

  • Take responsibility for your health

    Health is a priceless asset that we tend to fully appreciate only when we lose it. But how many people really take care of their health in a holistic sense? We live in a land of plenty and medical knowledge has never been greater, yet ill health and obesity are rampant. How can this be?…

  • ‘The only difference between most drugs and poisons is the dose’

    ‘If you push the understanding of the physiological basis of medicine far enough, you’ll come to a point where you can no longer defend it scientifically, that you must take it on faith.’ Dr Mehmet Oz Few people realise how new drugs are ‘invented’. Many come about by accident by trial and error. Many are…

  • Intimate relationships

    Intimate relationships Most people cherish a close, loving relationship with another person. You may think these ‘just happen’, when you meet the right person, but this is rare. Intimate relationships have to be worked at. Why? because they’re a minefield! There’s so much that can go wrong, and when they do it’s not just the…