Tag: healing

  • Natural healing

    Natural healing is not always a quick fix. It may involve radical change to your lifestyle and habits which take weeks or months to pay off. But good habits of eating well, drinking clean, fresh fluids, breathing pure oxygen, plenty of rest, outdoor exercise and fulfilling work, a positive attitude and connecting to healthy Earth…

  • 6 Tips for Inner Peace

    Inner peace if destroyed by mental tension. The source of most mental tension is the ego – that part of our psyche which constructs the image of ourselves we like to present to the world.  Your ego is your idea of who you should be and who you would like others to think you are.…

  • Informational Medicine

    Cutting edge science is demonstrating that information, not energy alone, is the key to health and healing. It takes intelligence to make a body; intelligence instructs the atoms and cells that create the body. Give the body new information to work with and it has the restore a sick body to full health. The body…

  • What Spiritual Healers Believe

    What do spiritual healers believe about their healing activities? There are several common threads: It is not they who do the work, they are just a channel for a Higher Power that some call God, some ‘The Universe’ and some attribute to disincarnate spirits. We simply experience the healing, either a recipient or facilitator. The…

  • Three great spiritual healers

    Spiritual healing is, of course, ‘humbug’ to the mainstream medical fraternity. I know of only one qualified doctor who entertains the possibility, and he quit practising mainstream medicine over a decade ago. Spiritual healing covers a wide range of methods, but is most closely associated in the public consciousness with the laying on of hands.…

  • Legacy: Quimby, the Silent Healer

    Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) was one of the greatest healers ever but nowadays is hardly known. The healings he carried out in New England in the mid-19th Century were little short of miraculous, although he considered them to have a sound scientific basis. Perhaps surprisingly, since so few people have heard of him, his methods…

  • Mind-Body Healing the Quimby Way

    All illness has a psycho-somatic component. Often it’s hard to tell where the boundary lies between the mind and body. One great pioneering healer knew no bounds; his name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. He was born on February 16, 1802. He was a clock-maker in Belfast, Maine, where he lived most of his life. Although…

  • The greatest mind-body healer?

    The greatest mind-body healer of recent times was a diminutive and rather brusque character who lived in New England in the first half of the nineteenth century. His name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. He deserves to be much better known. Having cured himself of tuberculosis, considered impossible in those days, he developed a healing method…

  • Healing the body with the mind

    Following the success of Barbara Mohr’s ‘Cosmic Ordering’[1] and Rhonda Byrne’s ‘The Secret’[2] in 2006, the ancient spiritual Law known as the Law of Attraction has come to the fore. It is enshrined in Buddhism, Taoism and the Vedic and Hebrew scriptures. In the Hebrew Scriptures King Solomon went so far as to say, ‘For…

  • Healing and the Imagination

    The imagination can be a potent force in healing. It’s no exaggeration that patients who cannot imagine themselves well are unlikely to be or stay so, and an increasing number of doctors and complementary practitioners agree. For example, in pain control clinics patients are taught to imagine the sore area going cool and numb, and…