Tag: health
The Jury Is Out
The debate over homeopathy continues and the jury is out. On the one hand, homeopaths point to their success in curing a wide range of conditions for millions of people and cite studies that have demonstrated that homeopathy can have a positive effect – including conditions where conventional medicine has failed. But is homeopathy placebo,…
Does water have a memory?
Homeopaths argue that homeopathic remedies, like water, contain a ‘memory’ of the active ingredient from which they are prepared. Is this true? Most scientists say this is nonsense. However, there is evidence that this could be so. An intriguing study by a French immunologist, Professor Jacques Benveniste, was published by the scientific journal, ‘Nature’, in…
Infinitesimals, Miasms and Similars: Principles of Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies are designed to gently prompt the immune system into fighting a health problem by giving it the necessary information to do so. They are based on the notion that a diluted preparation of a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure diseases that cause the same symptoms in a sick…
Homeopathy: Mystical Medicine, Science or Quackery?
Samuel Hahnemann was born in Eastern Germany, in 1755. At age 23 he decided to study medicine and become a doctor. He established a village practice in 1780, and eventually moved to the regional centre, Dresden. It wasn’t long before he became disillusioned with the therapies he was expected to offer to his patients. Medicine…
Malnutrition in the 21st Century
There’s a hidden sickness in the so-called developed world that afflicts millions and is causing our bodies to deteriorate at a much faster rate than Mother Nature intended. It affects young and the old alike and makes no distinction between rich and poor yet hardly any of us are aware of it. The condition is…
Herbal medicine: does it work?
Most healing approaches involve ingesting various substances that alter the biochemistry of the body in some way. Humans have always taken various substances believing they have a remedial effect. In times gone by, most of these were found in the natural world. Nowadays they are equally as likely to have been conjured up in a…
Let your food be your medicine
‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’ Hippocrates More than 2,000 years ago the Greek doctor and philosopher, Hippocrates, articulated an idea that has proved its worth over and over again, the idea that what we take into our bodies has a significant effect on our health and wellbeing and…
Traditional Bioenergetic Healing Methods
Bioenergetic medicine stands at the frontiers of science. It encapsulates biology (the study of life) and physics (as in energy, the underlying animating force of life). It explains how these two disciplines interact. It is concerned with the flow and interaction of information fields within and between living organisms and their environment. This is quantum…
206 bones, 640 muscles, 60 hormones and 70 trillion cells!
Do you ever stop to think about how amazing and wonderful your body is? We have 206 bones, 640 muscles and 60 different hormones. On average, the heart beats 101,000 times a day and circulates 6,800 litres of blood. We breathe in 23,000 times a day, excrete half a ton of waste per year, and…
The early Christians had no knowledge of Yeshua’s ‘miraculous’ conception and birth
The early Christian community seems to have had no knowledge of the Christmas stories. Even the two gospel authors who mention them make no reference to them after the first two chapters. Yeshua’s birth is not referred to in either ‘Matthew’ or ‘Luke’s’ accounts of his adult ministry, trial, crucifixion or resurrection. Most reputable scholars…