Tag: Mindfulness
Attune yourself to Creative Intelligence by taking some quiet time for yourself each day
Creative Intelligence is the invisible energy that governs the universe; the Life-Force which suffuses everything and connects us to each other. It’s not a fanciful idea – it has a firm scientific basis. Mahatma Gandhi described it like this: ‘Whilst everything around me is ever-changing, ever-dying, there is underlying all that changes a living power…
A Note on Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
There’s a fundamental truth behind our experience of life: It’s not what happens out there in the world that shapes our lives, but what happens in here, between our ears! The great spiritual teachers have been saying this for millennia, and today quantum physicists are saying the same. In essence, when you take responsibility for…
Mindfulness is paying attention to what you are doing and being aware of your thoughts and feelings right now. When you practise mindfulness, everyday activities become more meaningful and enjoyable – even eating a chocolate is more pleasurable when you give it your full attention. In his book, ‘Zen and the Art of Archery,’ Eugen…
How to Become A Positive Thinker
How you think matters. There is a direct connection between what you think and what you say and do, and what you get out of life. As long as you keep thinking as you’ve been thinking, you’ll keep feeling as you’ve been feeling, doing as you’ve been doing, and getting what you’ve been getting. So…
The busy mind is like a muddy pond
Deep inside us, at our very core, is a place of absolute peace and stillness where we become aware of the loving Presence at the centre of our being. But first we have to clear away the foolish thoughts and emotional fog which obscure it. Thinking too much is like over-eating – it brings a…
Meditate and be mindful
‘Meditate and be mindful, and all else will follow.’ The Buddha Meditation means ‘to focus one’s thoughts’, ‘give attention to’ or ‘engage in contemplation or reflection’. Anyone deep in thought is meditating. Whenever our thoughts are focused on a particular idea we enter a meditative state. The biggest obstacle to entering this peaceful state is…
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind often seems elusive in this busy world. Nearly everyone agrees it’s an important ‘state of being’. How can we experience it? Is there a formula that could enable us to have it now and for ever more? Some think there is. Many Buddhists, for instance, associate it with a state of total…
Thoughts on Affirmations
What does ‘prayer’ suggest to you? A pointless ritual? A cleric recites from a prayer book while the congregation gives fixed ‘responses’ parrot-fashion? This is one form of prayer, but it is not the whole story. As a child, I was taught to get down on my knees and plead with a supernatural being to…