Tag: pain relief

  • How Deep Relaxation Can Transform Your Life

    There is a zone of relaxation where the mind is at its most powerful, intuitive and creative. This is the ‘Alpha State’, where the two halves of the brain are in balance. Being able to reach this restful, deeply relaxed state is a life enhancing skill, because the mind works best when you’re cool and…

  • Quimby: The Silent Healer

    Phineas Parkhurst Quimby was born on February 16, 1802. He was one of seven children brought up in a modest family background. When he was still a toddler, the family moved to Belfast, Maine, where he spent most of his life. As a boy, he became interested in the sciences, but had no formal tuition…

  • Usui Reiki

    Dr Mikao Usui was born in the small village of Yago, Southern Japan, in 1865 into a prosperous family. A keen and talented student, he travelled widely, including to Europe and China, and studied history, medicine, psychology and the Taoist, Buddhist and Christian scriptures. In young manhood, be became a successful businessman. But in his…

  • Healing and Creative Imagery

    Creative Imagery (visualization) is an invaluable healing tool with proven health benefits. It can reduce chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, cholesterol and the stress hormone cortisol. It boosts brain function, the immune system and the heart and circulation. When we relax and focus our minds, we stimulate the life forces within, allowing the body…

  • Health is Wholeness

    What does health mean? It means wholeness in every aspect of our being. The terms ‘health’, ‘heal’ and ‘holy’ all come from ancient words meaning ‘whole’. Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which the atoms of the body are formed. It is a by-product of good habits, physical and mental,…

  • PainLess Doctor

    A month ago I left an AcuPearl PainLess on a trial basis with a Doctor of Chiropractic who had been on painkiller for chronic pain for many years. He used it every day found that the pain was so much better he was able to cut down on the painkillers. He also stated that he…

  • Insights into rapid recovery

    Our understanding of recovery from injury owes much to professional sport. Studies of athletes who have made a rapid and complete recovery from serious injury reveal these common threads: They are dedicated to regaining full fitness, and insist on nothing less. Many want more – to be in better shape than they were before their…

  • ‘The only difference between most drugs and poisons is the dose’

    ‘If you push the understanding of the physiological basis of medicine far enough, you’ll come to a point where you can no longer defend it scientifically, that you must take it on faith.’ Dr Mehmet Oz Few people realise how new drugs are ‘invented’. Many come about by accident by trial and error. Many are…

  • The Only Difference is the Dose

    Humans have always ingested substances they believe to bring health. E.g. many foods are believed to heal, such as prunes for constipation, honey and lemon for colds, garlic as an antiseptic, and so on. Then there are herbs, valued for their efficacious effects everywhere. In some cultures, they even eat soil for its healing properties.…