Tag: The Bible
Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge?
What can we say about the Christian G_d that is taught in schools, worshipped in churches and referred to in religious broadcasts every day of the week? Is it possible to come up with a modern concept of G_d, based on 21st Century knowledge? It (if you are uncomfortable calling G_d ‘it’, I suggest you…
Yeshua’s Greatest Hits
20 The Transfiguration Yeshua takes three of his disciples up a mountain to pray. Suddenly, his face changes, his body is transformed and his clothes become dazzling white light. The prophets Moses and Elijah appear and engage him in conversation. A cloud overshadows them, and a voice says, ‘This is my son, my chosen, listen…
Easter Myth #10: Yeshua’s immediate followers believed he was the Son of G_d
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. Most Christians aren’t aware of the inconsistencies in the scriptures because they have never read them from cover to cover. The gospels are riddled with factual errors, contradictions…
Easter Myth #9: Early Christians quickly adopted the sign of the cross
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. For instance, the Easter stories are highly dubious as factual accounts. On Easter Day Christians believe their saviour came back to life and was seen in corporeal form…
Easter Myth #8: The risen Yeshua appeared to hundreds of ordinary people
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists are extremely doubtful that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. For example, the Easter stories are highly dubious as factual accounts. Easter is unquestionably the most important day of the Christian calendar. On Easter Day Christians believe…
Easter Myth #7: The Gospels’ accounts of Easter Day are accurate and consistent
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. Indeed, the Easter stories are highly dubious as factual accounts, and they are the very basis of the religion. Christians believe these stories because the gospels say they…
Easter Myth #6: Yeshua’s disciples expected him to resurrect
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. The Christmas stories, for instance, are known to be complete fabrications based on stories passed down from other traditions, edited to make them appear consistent with ancient Hebrew…
Easter Myth #5: Disciples witnessed the ‘resurrection’
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. The Christmas stories, for instance, are known to be complete fabrications based on stories passed down from other traditions, edited to make them appear consistent with ancient Hebrew…
Easter Myth #4: Yeshua was given a decent burial
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. The Christmas stories, for instance, are known to be complete fabrications based on stories passed down from other traditions, edited to make them appear consistent with ancient Hebrew…
Easter Myth #3: The gospels accurately recorded Yeshua’s last words
Ten Easter Myths Most leading historians, archaeologists and linguists don’t believe that the four official Christian Gospels can be relied upon as accurate records of historical fact. The Christmas stories, for instance, are known to be complete fabrications based on stories passed down from other traditions, edited to make them appear consistent with ancient Hebrew…